hahaha. i don't know any of the characters or actors from Fated to Love. haha. but it seems sad.
that's the lakorn! Oon Ai Ruk!!! Cee & Mo made a cute couple in there. i love how Cee was a player gone good.

I didn't watch Rung Kieng Dao. Was it that bad? haha. Oooh I loved Mo in Yai Bai Bah with Oil, where she was all crazy. haha. They should've made it longer! oh man, i just realized that DokMai, i forgot her real name, also played in Ya Bai Bah. hahah she was annoying as always!
lmao. pretty much, from all the lakorn i've seen. Or she's sleeping with a married man! they need to give the girl some more roles that don't involve her being a ho! haha.