credits to p'thip @ spicyforum (link) and ys_pixpost @ yimsiam (article)
you couldn't have said it any better Gracie! ^_^^^ I guess as long as he doesn't cheat on her with a fellow actor, I'll be fine. I mean, Aum can't be that bad right? Pinky knows what's good and bad, most of the time. I guess she knows what she's doing. And, she has the upper hand too...
Hah, so much for ATeam
it means...PW lor ka P'Noy. What's that supposed to mean? :blink:
ooo dat is way too inappropriate for n'grace LOLit means...Or in other words, Pinky will most likely be controlling him.pussy whipped
That's why I blacked it out. People might attack me... but it's true! I think he is...! They make a cute couple. He seems like really genuine guy, a little bit on the sadist side, but he can be tamed! All men can. :loool:ooo dat is way too inappropriate for n'grace LOL