This lakorn has so many extremes, and they just throw you off sometimes, I love it!! First, the sad scenes are extremely sad...that Aff cries in every episode...and they have Ken cry a lot as well...then the numerous flashbacks...the scenes between the younger Aoey and Vic are so dorky, but it's cute...The happy/sweet scenes between Aoey and Vic are too too cute that it makes us all so happy...the scenes where Vic is mean to Aoey, he's so cruel that we all hate him so much, and border on disliking Ken for playing a bigger meanie than Kawee...then the creepy costars...the adoptive sister obsessed with her adoptive brother, the jealous wife that refuses to let her husband go even though she's moved on, the creepy stalker paparazzi guy in love with the man he photographs (I knew something was fishy, I just had no idea it would be that...), the doctor's son who seems like a rebellious kid, only to turn out to be a psycho (Lift plays the character so well, that I can't even watch his scenes, it ruins my image of the sweet man I met)...
It's like, when it's sad, they want you to be extremely sad too, replaying both sad songs practically back-to-back...but when it's happy, they want us to be extremely just never know where they'll take it...I love that this is very we don't know how it will end
But I love spoilers...