Jame had encounter lots of crazy women in the past but this is…preposterous ! Not only does she use the stage as a run way show , but might as well be a dance floor if he throw in a pole ! “ Lavadee ! Get a grip of yourself and sit down!” he commanded with his fist in a ball .
“Sir , it your turn to bet” said the judge
“wh-what ?” Jame was so distracted , that he didn’t realize Shampoo had already slam the cup down . He stare at the board and then lift his head to watch what Lavadee was doing --- she was busy blowing kisses and waving to the audience , as if she were Miss . Thailand or something . Even though he couldn’t hear the audience because of the sound proof glasses but he can see their reaction -- bunch of wild dog barking at a piece of fresh meat . He focus on the game and make his decision , “I bet 1Million”
Shampoo smile and lift the cup . The judge came forward to read the result :
“2, 1, and 3. The result is 6 and small. Mr. Atichart lost 1 million ” said the judge and move the betted chip into Shampoo ‘s pile , total 2 million left while Jame have 18 million remaining.

! I survive to play another round!!” Shampoo exclaimed and turn to smile at Lavadee with a head bow .
Jame mutter something inaudible and reach for the cup and dice . He began the shake and while doing so he notice Lavadee and Shampoo whisper to each other. He narrow his eye at the couple while his hand continue to shake the cup .
“I feel so …bore” Lavadee complained with a sigh , she walk seductively toward the judge and wrap her around his neck , the judge stiffed and immediately close his eye . She lightly touches his face with her finger tip and do little circle on his tremble shoulder . She pretend to whisper something into the judges ‘s ear and while doing so she grin deviously toward Jame . Then she move closer and rest her head on the judge ‘s shoulder, his side arm rest between her breast . The judge shiver nervously while Lavadee continue to flirt , worming her body against the man , creating tense while her eye tease the luckiest man in the world .
Jame ‘s hand began to tremble and drop the cup by accident . He quickly recover the item and slam it on the table , the dice roll out and scatter on the table .Shampoo ‘s eye widened in surprise as she turn to see the dice landed on 6, 6 and 6 . The devil number! Jame walk around the table , grab Lavadee’s arm and drag her out the auditorium . He lead the way toward the elevator , throw her inside and follow in . He press the button and turn to her , “Damn it! Why the hell did you act so sluty ?!” he shouted angrily
“What did I do ?” she shrug innocently .
“What did you do ?!! My god ! Woman are you out of your mind ?! You rampage into the auditorium wearing nothing !”
“that’s ridiculous , I had on clothes” she corrected him.
“those are not cloth ! It’s a fabric that’s glue to your bottom !” he point at her skirt.
“why does it matter what I wear? It’s my body and I dress what ever I please”
“you deliberately want me to lose my temper”

? Are you sure ? I was just doing my job as Miss. Shampoo‘s cheerleader . I didn‘t mean to make your mad”
“You cause me to disqualify !”
“It’s not my fault you walk out”
“O’ yes it is ! How can I focus ! You were tossing your skirt to the world and seducing my employee in front of me ?! I can‘t bear to watch you half nude in front of other guys !”
“does it really bother you that much ? We hardly know each other---”
“Yes it bother me! When I’m arouse I can’t play , left alone think !” he pointed downward at his pant, the evidence of his desire , rising a full inch in diameter.
She stare downward and felt her cheek burn to crispy .
I can’t believe I stare at ..it…for a whole sec ! She quickly lift her head to face him and said , “I..I was doing my job ..that’s all” . Her intention was to distracted him from the game with her sexy outfit when she walk into the auditorium and by doing this , Shampoo might be able to win the match if her opponent is preoccupied but Lavadee didn’t expect him to pull her out and accuse her of causing an up rising in his pant!
“I’m a man . I can’t control my hormone but woman can . Our testosterone is very high and always in need to release them , our little men grown by million !!”
She blink at him.
I think I’m going be sick. He touches himself to release his little men!? “OK…hum…where are you taking me ?” she ask suddenly and completely ignore his comment.
“we going to release it together , it's a quick ride ”
“we ?”
“Yes! There only two of us in here!” he pretend to search the elevator for any other sign of life.
A cold shower run down her spine . It doesn’t take an Einstein to put the puzzle together . She had disgrace herself once already and it will happen again . She know she can’t fight him and the only way to get out of this predicament is to confess ! “Mr. Jame Atichart , I can not serve you or anyone else beside Miss. Shampoo. The reason why I show up at the auditorium was all a set up ----- to make you lose”
“What the hell?!” he was furious and thread his hair while pacing back and fore. The elevator door open , Lavadee immediately step out and hurry down the hallway . She know he will want kill her after that confession and it’s best she must escape now ! She heard him shout from behind , “You dirty little scum !! Come back here ! I will get you for this !!”
Lavadee went down the escalator and run toward the exit door . Jame was left kicking the wall and cursing .