While the couple was getting their picture taken by the hire photographer , Jame approach the magazine editor and pull the man to the side .
“the question you ask Miss. Taksaorn , concerning her father ”

, she doesn’t want to discuss the topic on that matter”
“why didn’t you interrogate her more ! ”
“I desperately want too because my magazine will sell but I have to abide by her wishes not to include it in the article”
“then what stop you ?”
“and risk getting sue by the Atichart !! Her future husband will have my head !”
“ok , then tell me everything you know about her family”
The magazine editor was more than happy to spill all the dirt about the Taksaorn . Jame listen with a smile of triumph . When the editor finish the tall tale , Jame thanks him and went to check on his cousin .
“put your hand on her waist !!” shout the photographer while flashing camera light.
Rome hesitated for a moment but Lavadee’s smile of improvement assure his confidence and his arm slip around her hip . Their cheek touch each other in an angle as they pose for the camera . The warm climate added blushes to her cheek and the wedding dress she worn was light , silky , low v-cut and elegantly bring out the womanly shape of her bodies . Rome was dashing in his black Armando suit and matching pant. Jame went to sat down on white plastic outside lawn chair and place his glass of brandy on the small table next to it , he watch the couple pose for the camera and felt sorry for Rome . Of all the woman his cousin could had marry he choose her , the daughter of a man who might be convicted for fraud ! Jame was right from the start , she a con artist , it run in the family and right now her father is in jail and she needed assistant to bail him out . This wedding is one of her scheme to inherit Rome’s wealth!
“let’s take a 5minute break , put some make up on the bride please !” said the photographer and a gay make up artist rushes to Lavadee ‘s side . Rome excuse himself to goes to talk to his cousin .
“Jame ! You want to take a picture with us ?”
“It‘s unnecessary, there not going be a wedding ”
“what do you mean ?”
Jame rose from the comfort of his chair and stare seriously into his cousin face , “listen , she doesn’t love you . It’s your money she after”
“crazy, we love each other” Rome laughed
“her father had been arrested for fraud , she seeking your finance to get her father out of jail ”
“yes , she told me about her father .He was frame”
“shit! You believe that ? She brain washing you!”
“I believe her . We know each other since college . She is not that kind of person”
“I know her inside and out ! Trust me , she a whore and a con artist”
“what do you mean by that ?!” Rome was heated and whisper to his cousin , “ don’t call her a whore , Lavadee is nothing of that nature !”
“what if I told you , not less than a month ago I bang her in the VIP room”
Rome was furious and grab the collar of his cousin shirt, “how dare you insult her! She is not like one of your girls ! And I refuse to believe all this is true . I know Lavadee , she is prefect !” he release the grip and angrily walk away .
Jame straighten his shirt and snorted . He finish the left over brandy in the glass and throw it cross the field . Several crew member scatter to move away from the flying object , they turn to the mad man that done this and mutter among themselves . Later that evening the photo session end and the crew member had pack up and left the mansion . Lavadee change her cloth in the guest room while Rome was down stair , discussing the wedding with his uncle. Jame had sneak into the guest room earlier and waited for Lavadee to come in . While she change he appear from behind the wall and she caught his reflection in the mirror . She gasp and swirl around while clinging the loosen dress against her bosom.
“what you doing in here! Get out !” she whispered
“I found out about you father from the magazine editor. You little bitch. You intend to marry my cousin for his money !” he shouted
“not so loud! Yes, it’s true about my father but I assure you , this marriage is real . I intend to love him and be a fateful wife”
“Ha! Fateful wife my ass! Just the other day you were tossing her skirt on national tv!”
“I---I have my reason” she said calmly

! Your reason was clear ! Shampoo told me everything . You went up to her and suggested a plan to make me lose . It was all your idea ! If it weren‘t for you and that phone call , I would of won”
“I have nothing to say to justify my action , it was business and she agreed to hire me”
“alright, then . I’ll let you slide on that but this …marriage !! Can’t happen . I will not allow it . Your past had convince otherwise, it’s not love --- but money more like it!”
She remain silent .
Yes! It’s because of money! I know ! I know! Try walking a day in my shoe then you will know how much I have to endure ! You think I want to do this ?I swallow a lot of pride in the past month-- I even slept with you for money! She hold her ground firm and demanded “Get out . Or else I scream rape”
“You little bitc----”
“please , be a gentleman and stop with the name calling”
The mention of how lack a gentlemen he is , trigger a violent reaction in Jame . He cover his face and plow his hair angrily . She talk as if he the bad guy while she the angel from heaven ! Surely , there some sort of mistake ! She not the virgin Mary that he can just talk nicely to! “the name calling fit you perfectly” he snapped while pointing his finger at her .
“I will marry Rome . I will love him as a husband . The matter concerning my father is between me and him . It’s his choice if he want to help me. There nothing you can say or do will make Rome stop loving me. We are at a level of understanding--”
Jame rushes toward her and grab her by the head , he forcefully kissed her . Then his hand came down to yank the front of her wedding grown downward , exposing her breast . She was in the stage of panic and fight back furiously . She can smell the strong alcohol from his mouth and felt repulsive by the taste . He force her down on the floor and pinned her with his body.
“I think you need a reminder of that rough ride ..” he grunted .