Disrespectful SPICY FORUM

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The Realist guy here period
Kashie, you have a right to be offended. If they are your friends then it is one thing but they are not your close friends. People are all different and as an administrator, they have to carry themselves at a high level and be professional about it.

Like when you apply for work and when you are accepted, they tell you about sexual harassment and things that should not be said. It is all right to make jokes but the person has to be ok with it and not be offended. You cannot go up to someone you don't know and make jokes about them because they don't know you like that. If it does offend someone, then that other person should apologize for it.

Sexual harassment or innuendos should not be accepted.

"... Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment..." [Take out work and insert forum instead]

Credit: http://www.eeoc.gov/types/sexual_harassment.html


i really really really do agree... hahaha i always get back on this thread. LOL

me... im honestly a bad joker... but i only do tease if i know that person well or that person knows me well. but if i did offend someone, i simply apologize. even in my group of friends, there's only one friend i have that she doesnt like us(together with my gay friends) joke around and tease her. so we personally respect her as our friend.... XD


sarNie Adult
They are sometimes a little over the line, but in all their just trying to tease us members. ^_^
We all try to not take it too seriously. I mean, it's just the internet. lol.

btw, I think P'Mai and the other admins have an account here on sarnworld too...Haha..

But yeah, they are sometimes kinda out there I might say,
but I'll still love Spicy just as much as I love Sarnworld :D


lolz...hahaha I've seen some cat fights here in sarnworld too that involve people and their opinions. I don't know wussup with people...but this is a forum and so it's a place where we can come to share our thoughts and feelings about certain topics. I don't know why some people are so protective of stars that they don't even know. Instead of attacking the opinion they attack the person behind it.


sarNie Oldmaid
i gotta agree with ana. when i read it, it sounded more sarcastic (especially with the "lmao")...like they were teasing you. for example if i had freaked out to someone (a friend or stranger) about holding hands with someone else (maybe because i'm reserved or something), and the person i freaked out to said, "oh no, how could u do that?! you sleezy little whore!", they obviously meant to tease or indicate that there's no need to stress (in a playful way).

overall, i'm not sure what spicy is or what they are all about. i'm not taking sides at all. that's just my take on the comment of the admin. although, i am really sorry u had to go through that. they should be more careful with their wording, no matter wat the intent is.
the "lmao" was actually a smiley not a word typed out...it was some smiley rolling around on the ground...

and liked i stated b4...they've been reallie aggressive in the pass..and i've seen it w/ other members too not juz me..

where in there did she said you're a slut? aren't you just assuming it yourself?
wat else do you call a girl who "goes to bed with all her guy friends"... <_<

yeah, spicy forum is really biased...if you praise aum patcharapa and oil, then you'll be fine; you can't attack those two...but if you're a fan of ch.3's daras, then all hell breaks loose...

and it's true...the forum is very confined and restrictive, but then the admins. take liberty from their own rules...it is harsh, but i've been there for years now, but i prefer sarnworld over that forum...
true...very bias...too strictly of a ch. 7 forum
i tink the ONLY ch.3 celebrity they reallie am okie on is Ken...the rest don't bother to praise 'em or else..
and esp do not praise SB on that forum...lol ...or you're a rapist supporter....

lolz...hahaha I've seen some cat fights here in sarnworld too that involve people and their opinions. I don't know wussup with people...but this is a forum and so it's a place where we can come to share our thoughts and feelings about certain topics. I don't know why some people are so protective of stars that they don't even know. Instead of attacking the opinion they attack the person behind it.
yes i've seen cat fights on here too..it's not all perfect like tat SB vs JLR war we had last time..i was involve lol though
it never reallie got out of hand cuz all we did was compare and contrast the lakorns
but that was only between us members...no admins. jumped in to personally attack someone...
plus the fights tat got out of hand Ms. SaRn handled it very well....i am protective of
my stars..hey we need ppl to look up too..and to entertain us..but i never personally attack somone juz they disagree
w/ my views...not if they didn't first

thank you for everyone's input...i've gotten over it..but to the loyal Spicy members..sorrie if i'm bad mouthing ur forum
but if u do reallie feel that the admin was merely teasing me....then let tis be a message to the admins. that they should
be more careful in selecting their words


Professional Lakorn Watcher
anytime girl..

as for me, I rarely go there, only cause I'm so addicted to SW. So hmm.. I'll just have to see it for myself I guess. But, I think I'll just stick around here more anyway. It's like a big happy family here. :D


maplestory addict xD
true...very bias...too strictly of a ch. 7 forum
i tink the ONLY ch.3 celebrity they reallie am okie on is Ken...the rest don't bother to praise 'em or else..
and esp do not praise SB on that forum...lol ...or you're a rapist supporter....

yes i've seen cat fights on here too..it's not all perfect like tat SB vs JLR war we had last time..i was involve lol though
it never reallie got out of hand cuz all we did was compare and contrast the lakorns
but that was only between us members...no admins. jumped in to personally attack someone...
plus the fights tat got out of hand Ms. SaRn handled it very well....i am protective of
my stars..hey we need ppl to look up too..and to entertain us..but i never personally attack somone juz they disagree
w/ my views...not if they didn't first

thank you for everyone's input...i've gotten over it..but to the loyal Spicy members..sorrie if i'm bad mouthing ur forum
but if u do reallie feel that the admin was merely teasing me....then let tis be a message to the admins. that they should
be more careful in selecting their words
lmao .. seriously?? rapist supporter?? that's funny .. i mean like no offence..

oh haha. that fight .. i was involved too (im on JLR side :p )
yeah its true, one thing i luv bout this forum other than the members r the mod n admins..
i'm very protective on my ATEAM as well .. so yeah, i know wat u mean.

i'm glad ur over it gurl ^_^ sarniesss uniteeee :lol:
Glad you are over it (;
Just don't think much they're always like this LOL.
And don't think that they are nice to ch7 haha cause they aren't, not really only sometimes.
But then again they even put down Aum sometimes like saying they won't watch this lakorn of Aum.
I mean, the reason for the Aum loving is obviously because they used to be an Aum forum.

Cheers :p


Bai Yang [♥] Fong T. Xiong
Spicy is a friendly forum when you get to know people there ^_^ .
Personally, the comment made was a sarcastic remark :D .
I'm sure the admin didn't meant it as an insult to you.
Anywayz, that's my input.
I agree with this most definitely. Back when my forum was alive,
I joked around with my members too, about almost anything.

However, I would say that if you are to make a joke to a member,
especially one who you do not know personally, at least make sure
that they know you're joking. I feel like your comment was harmless
Kashie so if they really were just playing with you, then they should
have stated it. Gah. What's with all this net bashing? Has no one
heard of netiquette? Anyhoo;;; I've heard of Spicy and a lot of other
members who were displeased with the treatment there. They've lost
quite a few members because of that. But I don't really think that
they care...? The staff at Spicy are pretty blunt and harsh. =_=^^

Aren't they Sarnies too though...?


.......If I were in a bad mood today, I'd probably explode...but ignore this comment, it's a personal issue...or blessing...depending on said temperament of the day :3

I've read a few comments that suggest the quote Kashie gave us was not insult but rather simply a sarcastic comment meant to joke. Well, dictionary points out the fallacy of your logic. I've been in some crazy debates where people like to semantics-whore, so allow me to semantics-whore:

The definition of sarcasm:

sar·casm (särkzm)
1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
3. The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.

1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm
synonyms see wit

And in another, sarcasm is almost synonymous with insult:
1. witty language used to convey insults or scorn

Anyways, not to continue on with this discussion, because I think the intended purpose of this thread is first and foremost to let Kashie vent out her feelings, and she has successfully I would say, but I've overlooked it the first couple of times, and now that someone has suggested that it's just a "sarcastic comment" for I think the third/fourth I don't know time...I just can't help but point this out....:D Carry on beautiful people.


sarNie Oldmaid
.......If I were in a bad mood today, I'd probably explode...but ignore this comment, it's a personal issue...or blessing...depending on said temperament of the day :3

I've read a few comments that suggest the quote Kashie gave us was not insult but rather simply a sarcastic comment meant to joke. Well, dictionary points out the fallacy of your logic. I've been in some crazy debates where people like to semantics-whore, so allow me to semantics-whore:

The definition of sarcasm:

sar·casm (särkzm)
1. A cutting, often ironic remark intended to wound.
2. A form of wit that is marked by the use of sarcastic language and is intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule.
3. The use of sarcasm. See Synonyms at wit1.

1: a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a: a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual b: the use or language of sarcasm
synonyms see wit

And in another, sarcasm is almost synonymous with insult:
1. witty language used to convey insults or scorn

Anyways, not to continue on with this discussion, because I think the intended purpose of this thread is first and foremost to let Kashie vent out her feelings, and she has successfully I would say, but I've overlooked it the first couple of times, and now that someone has suggested that it's just a "sarcastic comment" for I think the third/fourth I don't know time...I just can't help but point this out....:D Carry on beautiful people.
yes sarcastic means to say one ting while intending another to hurt someone else..so yes same as insult...the correct word would be being "ironic"...but
since most ppl are use to sarcastic i guess tat's why some of us don't correct them..lol..though i tink maybe we should start ehehe

but yes this thread was to vent out my feelings..and in a way I did lol..
plus its juz tat i know a lot of member who has been displeased w/ Spicy yet
never seem to speak up..i'm juz speaking up...and yes i dun tink the admins
there care much...but okay they then can carry on w/ their forum -_-
i'll juz not be part of it


sarNie Adult
So what if it was meant to be sarcastic it still hurt her or whatever and made her mad. That's not the point. They should think and use their brains more seriously! Not everyone would of thought thats a very reasonable comment to put onto someone! It was all damn right rude, they don't even know her! And I stick up for Kashy 110% here coz i have had shit from that forum too! I've seem a lot of other people also who been bashed about there and it always goes into personal issue when they bash and very rude comments made.


Mama Noy ♥️
You know what they say.. behind every sarcasm is a little bit of truth.... They should really cut down on the sarcasm... or at least only say it to the members that they are close with because not everyone will take it the right way. Some might say it's a "joke" ... just messing around blah blah blah... but some people take things seriously.

I know if that member had commented me about it, I would be offended. That's probably why I stop logging in to Spicy Forum. I feel suffocated there. It's just a bad vibe I get whenever I log on. So many restriction and limitations. I mean they have the right to, it's their forum. They can do whatever they want with it. I just know it's not a place for me.


sarNie Oldmaid
OMG noy...i felt the same way everytime i log onto there too..

too much limitations/restrictions...disinterest me!

dont worry kashie if spicy aint a thing for you (aint for me neither) ...you got us right here at sw!!!


sarNie Oldmaid
kashie, i understand you feel hurt by the comment but like Ana said it before, it was just a joke but we don't have the same humour, so i understand your pain. but, it's not unfair to you to come here at sarnworld to say that spicy forum is unrespected. if i was you, i try to understand what they said that and to resolve the problem at spicy and not here. you said they didn't respect you, but you don't respect them when you come here to start this thread.
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