doh, i missed a hot topic, good thing for i have a sense of debates i'd like to read about and maybe respond 
i see the threads been moving more towards the positive note... and sorry to bring it back to gloom just because i have a few things to say...
read if u wish, pass if u wanna...
here's what I wrote regarding the issue of pichas of Sunny & Aom:
some of tose pichas are a bit close...but i dun tink it "confirms" they have a
relationship...maybe the thai fans will have a different input..put i take a lot
of pichas like tose w/ my regular guy friends...i juz tink tose pichas are cute
and here is what one of the admins wrote:
maybe cause kashie hugs and goes to bed with all her guy friends too, that's why she thinks Aom and Sunny's relationship is just friendly, just a friendship, not a relationship lmao.gif
wow...i can't believe she juz called me a slut? :huh: juz cuz i made a lilo comment like tat
if ur a member there..and feel that way? juz get out...and if u're not a member yet?
don't bother joining...
ok, 1... sorry u have to deal with people whom are mentally satisfied by "bullying" people or putting people into a much lower position than themselves [well or maybe something that they are in, who knows] to satisfy their psychological disorders.
2 u should never have to feel obligated to oblige by their rules and regulations if u can't reflect it back upon them
3 what u've implied seems correct. in my books, "hugs and goes to bed with all her guy friends" [probably not to just lay there and hold hands and sing Kum By Yah (sp?)] implies either a) again a person retaining some psychological disorder, possibly quite relative to those whom impose the statement or b.) basically a slut ...ok ok or maybe c) u're a guy [transgendered] and the speaker thought u were in a fraternity?
4 as underlined, i guess u can leave that to the discretion of those who'd like to join spicy or not up to their own opinions, i agree with many that we shouldn't reflect negativity of the forum for everyone should have their right to join and not either be dismayed to join, or disgusted to join after reading these several pages.
i'm glad u've created this warning aka discretion thread for those whom would like to know. we are an open forum, therefore we are open for discussions, i didn't see you identifying or sticking that sore thumb out, so i commend you for doing that... but i've seen that later in the thread... it's been self-identified by those whom know best of the situation.
Oh god, get over it. Like seriously, how can you ALLOW a stranger's comment to get you so rile up?
Plain and simple people, you don't like spicy then don't go there. It's so dang simple. And I am so so so sorry that we at spicy are not angels. We'll TRY to act more angelic next time. or not.
another thing, stop pinning sw against spicy. you guys are bringing sw down by rounding up your buddies to bash admins of another forum. yeah very friendly. try that at spicy..
Natty, it's quite funny, aren't we being very hypocritical here.
i'm sure we're all adult enough to understand that emotion triggers the gun many times right? so i guess it's also normal to see emotions flaring across different boards. i suppose your emotions were pumped too as u responded. but i'm also thinking u'd probably say "oh hell with it, i don't give a shit anyways..." ok... move on.
This reply will be rude. So there`s my warning.
Kashie, I feel you on this issue. They`re using your words against you. They think its funny because they are the admins. They do whatever and say whatever they want. The rules doesn`t applied to them. It`s that simple.
Here`s my personal attack, I feel like Mai and Natty are probably cool people in REAL LIFE. No hating on them. BUT when it comes to the INTERNET. Their personalities are CRAP, RUDE, and ANNOYING. When I was reading this, I knew Natty will comment on this with her `rude remarks.` The worst part about it she will blame you for starting this up. She`s good at these things. I would love to say `GROW UP` but I do understand that kind of `internet lifestyle.`
Spicy IS for hard people. Let them do whatever they want. It`s their forum.
lol this is quite funny... but that latter part is true, it is technically their forum so they can say whatever they want...
and this is sarnworld, we let our members shoutout as loud as they like also... but just to point you out because u've specifically named 2 individuals and started to label them... if your comments tie to an actual person on this forum or a neighboring forum, you should refrain at your best from name calling and labeling...
I've tried being nice. I've tried backing up both sides of the story, but I'm guessing people want me to pick just one sides of the gate and that one side of the gate has to be sarNworld?
I've stated my opinion about how it was a strong comment what more do you want? For me to say oh thats fucked up that Mai said that? No because I've been taught that if someone offends you then you move on and consider yourself a better person than they are and not take it to the offense, I didn't feel offended initially, but now I'm started to feel that people aren't happy with the fact that I'm close with the girls at spicy. I don't feel obligated to defend anyone at spicy because they can pretty much do that on their own.
tina, no one is obligated to do anything, and you shouldn't feel from anyone else here that you should do something. i know you like to stand your grounds and in this position you are the middle lady... it's a tough situation and i'm sure it's probably caused a bit of hair pulling, but rest assure that i for one do not see anything wrong with you being a member of spicy, u are u, an individual and not recognized as member of sarnworld or spicy alone... and i'm sure u already know this. u're recognized as tina, urself... so be yourself and don't do something because u feel u have to.
as for the bolded, that is true to many extent. but once you've felt violated for a simple comment as being implied as maybe a "slut" which didn't come from someone i actually talked to...i'll not let them have the last laugh, sure i can be a bigger person and walk on...but what was the moral learned by that individual that believe they are the one night stand--i mean the stand up comedy to impose such a rude but yet sarcastic remark okay to someone they barely know besides their screenname? ok so, i'd just say the individual was just being ignorant to that fact, and possibly believe we all live in paradise and have the same feelings, can interpret what they are trying to relay via text and emocons... or wait a mind reader... to hear "i'm being sacastic...BITCH"
...and with you, i know that walking away isn't
always (oops, i forgot the word, i had to add it in later) an option
Im proving my point in what she did and bcos you closed the other one i've made another one because what you did was very rude and disrespectful. I didnt read all of what you say because it bores me and i find it pointless in what you write tina cos you type a lot of nonsense in allof your posts you post up!
u're being quite disrespectful too. for the latter part, i'll respond as i would for a person acting this way, why did you even read it? next time... read just post #1 and hit "fast reply", it works like a charm