sarNie Adult
Anan's Pics:
Anan invited his 2 Irish(Siobhan & Anna, a film Director) friends to a restaurant in Paris... (April 2009)
Anan's Cooking Experiments: "Easy, Cheap, Healthy & RAW Foodism Sometimes..."
[ No MSG ]
Friday 1[sup]st[/sup] May 2009: Eggy Lentils (DIY here)
Saturday 2[sup]nd[/sup] May 2009: Salmon Tartar (DIY here)
Sunday 3rd May 2009: Apple-Honey Compote (DIY here)
Monday 4th May 2009: Mousse au Chocolat / Chocolate Mousse (DIY here)
Tuesday 5th May 2009: Carrot-Zucchini Soup (DIY here)
Wednesday 6th May 2009: Chapter 1: Milk

No recipe for today, simply... Woman Milk :drool:
Thursday 7th May 2009: Honey-Soy Yoghurt (DIY here)
... with Apple & Dark Chocolate
Friday 8th May 2009: Chapter 2: Cooking Style

in response to 7270: Raw food is not about giving up cooked food
Saturday 9th May 2009: Dorade fried fish salad (DIY here)
my lunch after doing 20.5Km(12.74 mile) of footing in 2h10 this morning... Very easy to cook as usual
Sunday 10th May 2009: Shrimp fried rice (Khao Phat Kung)(DIY here)
My very first dish since i was 8: fried rice,
Friday 5th June 2009: Foie Gras Salad (Fatty Duck liver)
a simple idea of appetizer to welcome your friends
Friday 5th June 2009: Steam winter melon with fish
very simple & healthy, with olive oil and fresh basils
Saturday 6th June 2009: Scallops Grapefruit Salads (DIY here)
My light dinner, with steam cooked Scallops
Sunday 7th June 2009: Salmon Stuffed Peppers (DIY here)
Get the best of vitamins with steam cooking style
sooO easy & yummi yummi :drool:
Wednesday 10th June 2009: Chapter 3: Top 5 Reasons to Cook Yourself

My little reasons why i decided to learn more about cooking
Sunday 14th June 2009: Monkey Salad
How to turn a simple salad into Art lol
Monday 15th June 2009: Sushi salad
Anan's first sushi time lol... slightly failed becos it's too big... but still yummi yummi
Wednesday 17th June 2009: Scallops Sushi
with fresh ginger & Japanese green mustard
If you too, like cooking, please feel free to share your cooking experiences ^_^ ...

Anan invited his 2 Irish(Siobhan & Anna, a film Director) friends to a restaurant in Paris... (April 2009)
Anan's Cooking Experiments: "Easy, Cheap, Healthy & RAW Foodism Sometimes..."
Friday 1[sup]st[/sup] May 2009: Eggy Lentils (DIY here)
Saturday 2[sup]nd[/sup] May 2009: Salmon Tartar (DIY here)
Sunday 3rd May 2009: Apple-Honey Compote (DIY here)
Monday 4th May 2009: Mousse au Chocolat / Chocolate Mousse (DIY here)
Tuesday 5th May 2009: Carrot-Zucchini Soup (DIY here)
Wednesday 6th May 2009: Chapter 1: Milk

No recipe for today, simply... Woman Milk :drool:
Thursday 7th May 2009: Honey-Soy Yoghurt (DIY here)
... with Apple & Dark Chocolate
Friday 8th May 2009: Chapter 2: Cooking Style

in response to 7270: Raw food is not about giving up cooked food
Saturday 9th May 2009: Dorade fried fish salad (DIY here)
my lunch after doing 20.5Km(12.74 mile) of footing in 2h10 this morning... Very easy to cook as usual
Sunday 10th May 2009: Shrimp fried rice (Khao Phat Kung)(DIY here)
My very first dish since i was 8: fried rice,
Friday 5th June 2009: Foie Gras Salad (Fatty Duck liver)
a simple idea of appetizer to welcome your friends
Friday 5th June 2009: Steam winter melon with fish
very simple & healthy, with olive oil and fresh basils
Saturday 6th June 2009: Scallops Grapefruit Salads (DIY here)
My light dinner, with steam cooked Scallops
Sunday 7th June 2009: Salmon Stuffed Peppers (DIY here)
Get the best of vitamins with steam cooking style
Wednesday 10th June 2009: Chapter 3: Top 5 Reasons to Cook Yourself

My little reasons why i decided to learn more about cooking
Sunday 14th June 2009: Monkey Salad
How to turn a simple salad into Art lol
Monday 15th June 2009: Sushi salad
Anan's first sushi time lol... slightly failed becos it's too big... but still yummi yummi
Wednesday 17th June 2009: Scallops Sushi
with fresh ginger & Japanese green mustard
If you too, like cooking, please feel free to share your cooking experiences ^_^ ...