im just annoyed by my husband right now! jerk. told me that he hated me the other day and i went to the room bawling tears. i hate it when he doesn't make an effort to talk to me when we have our days.
my husband does the same thing! not the telling me he hates me part, but whenever we get into arguments and i start bawling my eyes out, he just sits there and doesn't do anything. even though i've told him countless times if he just hugs me, i would feel a whole lot better! but he says it's because i'm angry at him and he doesn't want me to push him away. <_<
and it annoys me that he's forgetful and a bit undecisive. he even forgets the bit that i've told him about hugging me, and whenever i ask him to make a decision i always end up doing it. just like our anniversary, i asked him to plan it, and i ended up doing everything. i mean, he remembers the anniversary, just not the planning part. lol.
i know i annoy the hell out of him too. lol. cause i'm impatient, too competitive, and i'm pretty sure there's more!