Soraya woke up feeling like a marshmallow, Harit was holding on to her, she looked around, a heater and more blankets,
Harit: "Sleep more." His eyes were still close.
Soraya: "How come there are so many things in here?"
Harit: "You got a fever last night."
Soraya: "Again." She felt her head.
Harit: "Again? What do you mean?" He got up and felt her body.
Soraya: "Nothing."
Harit: "Soraya,"
Soraya: "It's just, once in a while I'm fragile to the weather, I should have dressed warmer last night." She looked at her thin sweater and capris.
Harit: "You want me to give you a bath?"
Soraya: "No." She took a hot bath, this feels better. She had an idea, for taking care of her last night, she'll wear her tight black pants, haha, Soraya, no naughty thoughts,

, she got out and he went in. Soraya searched her luggage until she got the pants and put them on, firm on her butt, Rita always slapped it whenever she wore them, she said it was just hard to resist. She got out the flour mix and accidentally poured some onto the chair, Harit got out, "I smell pancakes, maybe after, I can get something else."
Soraya: "Harit behave yourself." She sat in the flour stained chair.
Harit: "It's weird Chen asked me to meet him after our trip."
Soraya: "Wonder why?"
Harit: "Maybe he wants to steal me from you."
Soraya: "In your dreams, he doesn't like you."
Harit: "Ooh then why does he want dinner? Sorry Soraya but I got a man crush."
Soraya: "Fine, forget about me." She pouts, "I was just kidding So, smile for me."

Soraya: "Okay no more, your family probably is waiting for us." She got up, he saw the flour, "You have something on your butt, let me get it."
Soraya: "It's okay." She wiped her butt but the flour spread, "Dirty, dirty." Her butt swayed and jiggled, he couldn't take it. Harit: "Let me do it." He brushed it off and squeezed it, "Harit!"
Harit: "Just getting my reward." His hands placed on top and moving around, "You can get it later."
Harit: "I'm a very impatient person." She turned around, his hands still on her butt, he didn't waste time, he moved quickly and laid her on the table, "Harit are you crazy we are going to break the table."
Harit: "I have enough money to pay them back."
Soraya: "No, we have to meet with your family."
Harit: "They can wait."
Soraya: "Harit."
Harit: "Fifteen minutes."
Soraya: "Sure?"
Harit: "Positive."
At work Rita couldn't concentrate, she was getting terrible headaches,
Andrew: "You okay Rita?"
Rita: "Yeah I'm fine." Rome entered, "Rita you look pale." Rita: "I'm fine." She got up to use the bathroom and fainted, Andrew carried her, "Rita are you okay?"
Rome: "Hey drop her I'll carry."
Andrew: "You want me to drop her, she's pregnant you jerk." He ran outside and put her in his car.
Rome: "What are you doing she's my wife I'll take care."
Andrew: "Now you acknowledge her, just go back to your girlfriend." He drove off, Rome got mad and drove after. They reached the hospital, "Rita, are you okay?"
Rita: "Andrew? Where are we?"
Andrew: "At the hospital." She shut her eyes again,
Rome: "Let go of her I'll take care of this." He carried her inside.
Rita: "Andrew?"
Rome: "No it's me." He sound mad and serious, "What you can't stay away from him for a while?"
He waited outside the room for a long hour, the doctor came out.
Rome: "How is she?"
Doctor: "She's doing fine now."
Rome: "Can I go see her?"
Doctor: "Actually she doesn't want any visitor at the moment."
Rome: "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Doctor: "Just she needs more rest, not working too late and more nutrients for the baby."
Rome: "Thank you."
Doctor: "She can go home after you sign the papers." He wanted to go in but he was afraid, the doctor came back, he filled out the paper and went in. She was still sleeping facing him, he went over and sat next to her,
Rome: "Rita?"
Rita: "Where's Andrew?"
Rome: "I don't know." She turned the other way.
Rita: "Don't need to give me attitude."
Rome: "Sorry, you can have the rest of the day off and don't work late anymore."
Rita: "So you can stay late with that girl."
Rome: "Rita, I really don't get you now (raise his voice) you want me but you push me away, you know I don't even like her. Why do you have to cause so much problem? I don't get you." All she did was cry, "Get out."
He turned the door knob, Andrew was there, he walked pass him, he entered.
Andrew: "Honey how are you?"
Rita: "Andrew, what's wrong with me?"
Andrew: "Oh sweetie nothing is wrong with you, it's just the pregnancy." He rubbed her back, she cried more, stupid hormones, they left. Rome went back to work, it started raining, it was now seven, he decide to go home and leave Rita for a while. His cell phone rang, "Hello?"
Ken: "Rome, have you been with Rita?"
Rome: "No why?"
Ken: "She's not here."
Rome: "Probably with Andrew."
Ken: "He's over here with us, where could she be?" Rome got worried, "I'll go look."
After Andrew took her home she decide to take a walk, she went around the park, couples laughing, then it started to rain hard, she need to find shelter or go back home, her cell phone was at work. She hid under the slide.
Rita: "Great I can't even find my way back home, it's raining too hard."
Rome: "RITA! Where are you!"
Rita: "ROME!"
Rome: "RITA?! Where are you?"
Rita: "Over here." She got up but her stomach, "Ouch." She bend down,
Rome: "Rita." He rushed over, "Are you okay?" She couldn't answer, too much pain, he lift her and hurry to the hospital one more time. He waited for two hours, the doctor came out and shook his head, he couldn't look at Rome, no need for explanation Rome knew what he meant, he cried and hit the wall.