^we're so funny at these analysis but it's great --
I feel bad for Juarng for loving Purim all these years but b/c she move on and married Gai's dad, i don't feel a bit sorry. If she truly love PURIM like she project herself to be, she would have been single all her life. She created a family and now that her husband died, she's back to Purim, quite selfish on her side. Just like Purim said, she only want him b/c of his status, sure love is strong for her but anyone who love someone else would give up anything to make the person that they love happy.
Another thing i despite about Juarng is that she did not consider GAI at all ..she threaten to do all those embarrasing things without putting Gai into the picture, it's quite sad.
I feel bad for Gai b/c he's a victim of all these mess and he have to end up accepting his fate b/c it is the right things to do -- I also feel bad for Nui too b/c she's innocent as well ..
SUNTA and SANDAO are so sweet together ^^
They're like a perfect pair -- match made in heaven :wub:
he called her Nui today again :wub: <== today episode have some sweet scenes .. i love that one part of him telling her that he misses her -- they both were about to kiss but Sandao came in to interrupt LOL
nuahahaha, when he was about to kiss her the next morning after, she move away and said not to do this, he should be considerate of Sandao. He responded back, there's nothing's wrong with him kissing his wife .. She look at him with a sad face and says there's nothing there to attach them together. She also says to him that she can't allow anything to happen between them b/c she do not want to betray the love that Dao and her have < she bluntly gave her answer away again >
muahah. he barged in for another KISS <-- Nui pulled away, gave him a slap and say that he's a bad person as she ran away from him.