wow, susie is only 21. she look so mature for her age. she somewhat look different from then and now. alot better now lol what is she mixed with??
I think Susie has always been pretty. She just looks more mature now. I think Susie's curls are natural. I'm not sure what she's mix with but I'm pretty sure one of the races are white/Caucasian.
Gosh, Tin's such an #ss.
How could he just throw away that laptop!
wow, he plan everything out !!! lol
he took her to his own island to settle there until she give birth LOl
too bad that when it come down to the REAL time, she couldn't b/c of him too
Today episode have some good moments -- can't wait for more romance :wub:
I know! I was so mad when he threw the laptop on the floor like that! And how devastated Susie was. What an asshole!
That's kinda sad that he planed everything out and turns out she lied to him that she had a miscarriage. That's a shame. Oh well, at least we know they'll make one together. lol.
What do you mean by when it come down to the REAL time, she couldn't b/c of him?? Fill me in.
I'm only waiting for two things in this lakorn -- mart and susie scenes, and for mart to realize that kat was the one who compelled alex to suicide...can't wait to see mart's reaction to that!
You know I bet Mart's not even gonna do anything. That's the thing I hate about dramas with conniving and manipulative nang'rais is that they're so deceiving throughout the whole drama but then at the end something bad happens to them already or they got what they deserve, so the pra'eks pity the nang'rai and don't do crap back to them. Well, the pra'eks leave the nang'rais but that's about it. Plus, I'm sure at the end, Mai will pity Kat as well and not do anything back. I wish or hope that Tin will bitch-slap Kat when he finds out the truth like how he slapped Jomkwan. Hope he slaps her 10x's harder. That would be very satisfying.