Oh, I didn't mean to get off topic. We were just talking about how this lakorn gives us a headache, then we started talking about watching comedies to balance it all out. One thing led to another...didn't mean to spam; just making friendly conversation. I really have a good time talking to you guys in here.i dont like how this drama is going either.. but really though.. if you want to talk about other lakorns.. you should do it privately or talk about it at that lakorns topics.. posting a link of another lakorn on this topic is consider as spamming.. but i guessing you didnt know...
anyways about the lakorn.. i used to be hype about it.. but not no more.. because pke is a freaking donkey!!! hes a complete jerk.... after finding out shes a virgin.... he could of treated her better..and now shes gonna be pregnant with his kid? im glad the babys a girl... so she can get susie side and not the stupid dads side...
but im still watching this for louis also.. love his character in there
I love those pictures -- they're so sweet! but yeah, I want to see Susie in more lakorns in the future, because her acting is pretty good for a first-time n'ek. I completely love Broadcast Productions!ending next week. mart/susie sure did alot of kiss scene together. they look like a real couple in the pic below
edit: i hope to see more of susie this year! i didnt enjoy this lakorn like i thought i would so hopefully her next drama will be better..maybe she can get with rome since hes part of broadcast too
I totally know what you mean! I just can't stand kat; she's such an uber-b*tch! I'm sick of seeing her so many times while mart and Susie only get a fraction of the time she does.I like most things about this lakorn. The only thing that bugs me is that I feel like Kat/Nampueng gets more screen time than the pra ek and nang ek. WTH is that all about? She comes on every 5 minutes and her scenes seem to be at least 10 minutes long or more. I get so sick of watching her come on all the time, doing the same shit all over again. There should be more scenes between Mart and Susie and focusing on the development of THEIR relationship, not of Kat's increasing jealousy. Yes, we get it ... she's evil and psycho. Now can we move on to something more important? =.= Sometimes I forget and think this lakorn is all about Kat and her life, lol.
I demand more scenes between Mart and Susie! :angry:
lol...I know!and also, they sleep together a lot in this lakorn haha..
555...maybe that's the thrill for tin and jomkwan! lol...jk. but I can't stand mart's character at all; why does he have to take kat's side so much? I hate how he obviously still has some feelings towards kat!this lakorn is getting retarded. mean then sweet then mean then sweet. it keeps going back and forth.
OMG! These pictures are making me melt! LOL! They are just too cute! Wow! I don't think I've ever seen a couple onsreen with this much lip to lip thing! This is really something new. And it's nice. Wow, Mart and Susie make one good lookin' couple. I am so in love with Mart's arms! Mart's arms are so...........NICEEEEEE!I can't wait for this week's episodes, too. So sweet ! Kiss :wub:
I just watched ep.10 and I was kinda upset becuz of mart's actingI just skimmed thru episode 9. Usually I would watch the sweet scenes between pra'ek and nang'ek but not this one. I felt uncomfortable watching it. Dunno why. I think I'm just watching now just to see how it ends or unfolds. In episode 10 preview, Mart just can't act sincere at all. He sure can't play a character that makes you feel what they are going thru. Poor script and poor acting. It started out so good and interesting for me in the beginning. Anyhow can Jomkwan/Susie make Tin/Mart suffer what she went through if Mart can't even act it out?