+++MY DeSiReS+++


sarNie Oldmaid
Love those icon are so pretty. You getting pretty good. ;) The banners are nicely blend. I like it.

I really want to do some artworks badly just looking your artworks.If I didn't lost my photoshop program. I'm so mad I can't do artworks for a while now.


You're Average Person :)
awww that sucks...why don't you dl another one


anywho here's a poster I did of Pancake...practicing my blending....

and this is my new FF.....



sarNie Oldmaid
awww that sucks...why don't you dl another one
I search all over on the internet to dl another but can't find any website that I can dl of it. So now I just have to wait until my cousin to fix the disk thing so it will work again.


Those posters are so pretty. I like the last poster..hehe


You're Average Person :)
Thanks guys for the comment.

I won't be photoshopping for awhile since my hard drive crashed 2 days ago and I lost everything, including the PS program, my songs, and my pictures! I was so depress, still depress!....I would dl another program but my comp is so slow now...and it's a big file...sighs....and something is wrong with my internet...when pictures are loading, it's not giving me a good quality...it's like blurry-ish.....jas that ever happened to anyone?


Staff member
^ awwwe.. that suchs for you thip.. i feel your pain.. i was so sad when my hardrive crashed a year or two ago.. T_T.. such a sad feeling wahhh...

i feel like i have to reboot my laptop already.. it's only been almost a year only >_<... but it's so slow now.. argh..

and hmm the pictures come out fine when i load them.. unless they're super low-quality to start off with..


You're Average Person :)
no like the pictures are good quality to begin with like magazines scans from spicy...before i could see them in HD, now it's like blurry-ish...sighs...hope my brother fix it soon....


beautiful work Thip. keep up the great job.
it's a pity about ur pc...hope to c u up and running those PSing pics soon.


You're Average Person :)
Hi Everyone!

I am back. So happy to PS again and thank you all for the comments.

Here are some new artworks. They're very simple since I haven't dl any brush or texture yet.
