+++MY DeSiReS+++


sarNie Oldmaid
Glad to have you back TubbyTinker. Your banners are so lovey and love the colors well blend. Your poster of Om & Pan look lovey.


sarNie Egg
wahhh Thip....I love the Om and Pancake ones...haha could you do one for me...I'm gonna send you the pictures right now


You're Average Person :)
Thank you all for the comments. Somehow I’m not into Psing like I did before lolz…but I do it here and there when there’s good photo shoots of the stars. Here’s some new ones…very simple since I was too lazy ….basically I was messing with the brightness, colors, and vibrance.

Chat Parichat…I loved her from Autumn Destiny :wub:

Kan, Rotmay, and Tle Thanapol

Yui Jiranun


Vill, Aom, Son..just love this photo shoot of theirs

Tawee Pope…I like this one the best! :wub:



Staff member
ooo thip... they look lovely.. i see your gettin the feel back..
and im just like you.. im not as motivated to ps these days.. im blank lol.. >_<
i remember ps-ing like crazy-ish (once in awhile) but not anymore...


sarNie Oldmaid
Wow your posters are are so kool. The poster Aom, Vill, Son sound like a good story just by reading the quote. The poster of Tawee Pope is so lovey.


You're Average Person :)
Thank you guys for the comments....ok since Halloween is coming up...I figure I do sumthin a lil grundgy/vintage poster...[still in the Aka-Pan mode, hehe]

**I got the title and quotes from Selena Gomez's song haha


You're Average Person :)
^^ thanks...I like that one too

here's a FF poster...I'm thinking of writing this...but we'll see what my mind thinks in the future....



sarNie Adult
Gorgeous Posters<3
Love themm,tehe;love Selena Gomez and her new album;]
BTW;i do hope you write Our Love to Keep,it looks awesome!