If you want
"Simply R O M A N T I C", then its theses 3 lakorns
-Ban Bajatorn
-Song Roa Nirundon
-Tae Pan Korn
I love romantic lakorns, though I have to admit it is slow pace, and that's why some people don't like romantic lakorns as much, but its like watching a beautiful flower bloom.
What is great about
Ban Bajatornis its magical atmosphere. Everything is quite beautiful, the costumes, the bed, the palace. What kind of girl doesn't want to escape reality to fall in love with a dashing man in a magical land, right?
Song Rao Rirundon, was unbelievably romantic. I watched it in 2008, and quickly understood why this lakorn won best lakorn for 2005 and won Ken his first Top Award. Nang'ek and pra'ek's relationship is very natural, doesn't seem acted out. Pra'ek is charming, nice, and very logical, he doesn't make stupid decisions/accusations like a lot of other pra'ek. And the villians are not overwhelming nor dumb neither. (tip

repare tissue for ending)
Tae Pan Korn, the sweetest and saddest thing about this lakorn is the thought of a great love being cut too short, and the yernning to be able to hold that person once more, even if it means waiting numerous lifetimes. Again, villians are great. All three of these lakorns, there's no revenge plot, both the leads aren't deliberately trying to hurt each other, its just about them trying to live life with one another.
-Jai Rao
I also think this lakorn is underrated. This lakorn got alot of buzz for their leads, but not much about the story. I have to admit, the beginning was a great dissappointment for me, but I think anyone who watches this lakorn throughly will definitely say the story is a very romantic one and a great one. One of the things I loved about this lakorn, besides Ken's tight pants *wink* LOL, was the foreshadowing in the song. At the beginning of the lakorn I thought I understood Boy's song, but towards the end, the scene where Ken is sitting outside the glass door of the bed where Aff and their daughter is sleeping and he quitely weeps, when the song comes on for the hundredth time, the lines like "its far too cruel, I never prepared my heart to loose you like today" and "two person(s) who love each other so much, suddenly parted so far apart" takes on a whole new meanning. The song foreshadowed the ending from the very beginning.