Phet’s Spa: Kwang’s Bedroom-
In the morning Kwang opened her eyes to find herself wrapped between Nick’s arms. She felt warm and comfortable in his arms and it was so different than in the past. She kept her eyes closed and nudged her head on his chest and listened to his heart beat. It sounded relaxed and she felt his chest rise and fall against her cheeks. She was not going to open up her eyes and leave his arms so soon. She thought about what he had said about her and knew that she had not told him she loved him…yet.
Nick awoke from his sleep and saw that he had his arms wrapped around Kwang. Her hair smelled like gardenias. He wondered what shampoo she used. She hadn’t been in the garden since yesterday morning. As he laid there, he had the urge to caress her and love her like she were his wife. But, he had promised that he wouldn’t take advantage of her anymore. All he could do is imagine. After he started imagining things, he quickly snapped out of it and thought that he shouldn’t be thinking of things like that with the woman he loved. He had to respect her, even though these desires can be hidden in his head.
Nick started to shift around and Kwang knew he had awoken. She quickly pretended to fumble the other direction as if she hadn’t meant to lie on his chest. At least she didn’t lie on his bandaged arm. He sat up on the bed and decided to let Kwang sleep a while longer. Nick opened the door and headed downstairs.
Phet’s Spa: Lobby-
The lobby was empty. Everyone was still asleep. Then Nick heard some clanking at the door and it turned out to be They unlocking the door to come inside. They saw Nick standing and staring at him and tried to sign for Nick to sit down and he’ll bring coffee. Nick tried to figure out what They was saying. It took a while, but Nick finally figured it out. Nick insisted on helping They with breakfast.
In the kitchen, They took out the frying pan, some rice. Nick watched They pull everything out. Then They got a piece of paper and a pencil and started writing things out. He told Nick that he makes breakfast for all the ladies who live here because Phet gets tired out closing late and she needs all the rest she could get. Then They says that instead of just a security guard for the spa, he’s a multitasker. Nick asked him why he does so much.
“Because I love her,” wrote They.
Nick thought about what They wrote. He thought he had to do the simplest thing for the woman he loves. He helped They make breakfast and They insisted that Nick bring it up to Kwang. They told Nick that he senses Kwang really likes Nick.
Trinity High School-
Knight finally made it to homeroom again after so three days off. He walked in and decided to go sit in the front row next to where Mary usually sits. Everyone in the classroom began to chatter about why Knight would sit up front.
Nappa came into the classroom and saw Knight sitting up front. She thought he was there for her and decided to go and take Mary’s chair.
“You picked the wrong seat Knight. I’m actually one chair over. But, I guess instead of having you move, I’ll move and sit here,” said Nappa in Mary’s seat.
Mary walked into the classroom a little later than usual because she had to go submit her application for college. She saw Nappa cling to Knight’s arm and smiling at him. Mary decided to go and sit behind Blank’s seat, where Knight usually sat. She started to feel even more jealous of the two together.
Blank finally arrived to class and shouted, “Hey Mary. You and Knight like switched spots or something?” He laughed.
Knight turned around and saw Mary sitting in his seat. Mary looked down and blushed. She was nervous for admitting that she was jealous of him the other night and she was embarrassed by his look now. She thought she could face him, but she should’ve kept her cool and not admit to anything.
Knight was about to get up from his seat and walk back to Mary at his old seat, but the homeroom teacher arrived and he had to remain sitting.
Mary didn’t know how she can face Knight. She hadn’t called him since the night she admitted she was jealous of him and he hadn’t been back to school until today. She didn’t know what to do and to think.
“Mary, what do you think about conservation?” asked the homeroom teacher.
Mary hadn’t paid attention to the teacher at all since she sat thinking of how she can really face him. She was going to leave the classroom as soon as she could and hide for the rest of the day.
Phet’s Spa: Kwang’s Bedroom-
Kwang had gotten up as soon as Nick went downstairs. She quickly ran to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. When she came back to her room Nick sat on the floor with some egg flour soup and rice. He also brought up some tea for her and a biscuit. He smiled as she approached him. Kwang couldn’t help but smile back. He had made her breakfast and it was the sweetest thing he could’ve done for her.
Nick and Kwang sat and talked about what they liked to eat and started to learn more about each other. Both realized that they had many things in common and some things not in common.
After they finished breakfast Kwang asked Nick what they wanted to do next about the situation. Nick thought everything was Yatna’s plan, but now that Kwang mentioned why Yatna would do such a thing, he wondered who would be behind everything.
“When I was 15, I went to Mae Hong Son. There, my parents were killed. My mother was in a car accident and my father was shot to death at the market,” said Nick.
“Really? And that’s why you wanted to get rid of the market,” said Kwang. “Prince never told me how your parents actually died. Wow, I never knew.”
“Yeah, I don’t like to talk about it much. No, I didn’t want to get rid of the market. My aunt wanted to build on it and I told her no. But, she burned the place down. And, I had no other choice but to follow her commands afterwards. That’s why I thought she was behind your kidnapping,” said Nick.
“Oh, I had no idea,” said Kwang. “I really thought that you were cold.”
“The only reason why I follow her commands is to make her trust me. Then she can give me some power in the company. My dad used to own half this company with my aunt. But, after his death, she took guardianship of it. She never gave me my portion of it. She told me that my dad didn’t leave any of it to me. But, as a charity case, she will raise me up and she will let me have some of it if I can prove to her that I will help the company succeed. So, I grew up wanting the company. I grew up wanting to show her that I can handle things. I wanted to become the boss so that I can find out what went on at the company. My mom dropped me off at Mae Hong Son with a map to this house. She told me I had to go there and that she would pick me up as soon as everything got settled at the company. But, she never told me what was going on. I stalled that day that she dropped me off and then Lawyer Toon came to pick me up and tell me that my dad had been shot at the market. Then, as we reached the hotel room, Lawyer Toon told me my mother had gotten into an accident near the park that I was at.”
Kwang sat still and listened to what Nick had to say intently. “Wow, I had no idea that was your motive. Do you really believe your aunt could really have burned the market? Do you really believe she kidnapped me? You think she killed your parents?”
Nick thought about the situation. “I really don’t know.”
“Nick, Prince told me something that I think you should ask him about. He told me that whatever he had to say will ruin the family. I believe that he will tell you about it if you ask. He wouldn’t tell me. For some reason, I believe that your aunt isn’t as evil as she seems to be. You know, the only reason why I was asked to marry into the family was because she thought I was actually Aunt Phet’s daughter. She did something to Aunt Phet years ago and she wanted to rid herself of that sin. I believe that your aunt really has no bad intentions anymore,” insisted Kwang.
“Perhaps you’re right. For some reason, I never suspected her as the murder of my father. That’s why I wanted to find out who it is that wanted to kill him. She puts on a tough act, but deep down she wants to be loved. She’s been secretly dating someone for years now, but I never cared enough about her personal life to ask her who the guy is. She’s so secretive about things,” said Nick. “Kwang, why did you care so much about the market? I know you hate seeing people lose their income, but you went that extreme?”
“Well, I actually grew up in Mae Hong Son. My mom was a pastry chef and she had visited that area before deciding on a career with my grandfather. When she came, she visited the market and loved the local ingredients. My grandfather took her down to the park there and brought her an ice cream cone. He had to go buy some last minute items and there, my parents met each other. My dad was an environmentalist and had been assigned to work there. My mom’s ice cream dropped on the ground and he brought her a new one. From then on, they fell in love. My mother went to Bangkok to finish school and as soon as she graduated they got married and moved to Mae Hong Son. My dad built a home for them while she was studying.” Kwang smiled.
Nick thought that was a romantic story. He thought about the girl with the ice cream and the little brother. His heart thumped so loud when he met her. But, it was impossible that Kwang could be the same girl. That girl died in the fire.
“Now, you want to be a floralist?” asked Nick.
“Yes, and my favorite flowers to work with are gardenias. It’s amazing how I still haven’t been able to start the semester yet,” laughed Kwang.
“Is there one in Mae Hong Son?” asked Nick.
“Why?” asked Kwang.
“Maybe in order to figure out what is going on we should move there and you can attend school and Aunt Yatna won’t be pissed that I ditched work for two days. Plus, you can hide out because I refuse to let you marry Prince,” said Nick.
“I don’t know, that’s weird to go and live with a guy,” said Kwang.
“But, we’re together…aren’t we?” asked Nick.
Trinity High School: Homeroom-
Mary hurried out the classroom as soon as the bell rang. Knight got up from the seat and turned around but Mary was gone. Nappa latched onto his arms and he quickly grabbed her hands to pry it off. She couldn’t believe that he would treat her like that after their date night. Knight hurried out the door.
“Yep, he’s not into you,” said Blank.
Someone else in the class chimed in, “Yeah, he did the same thing to me. Nice guy, wished he liked me back. But he is brutally honest when he doesn’t want someone anymore.”
Nappa’s face turned sour and she hated that Knight didn’t like her.
Gai’s House-
“Wow, Gai’s house is actually pretty nice,” said Nick.
“Well, yeah bad boy…my family isn’t too dead broke, just that they won’t spoil me and they make me pay for my own stuff,” said Gai. “Sometimes my mom goes into debt, but my dad always makes the money to pay it off.”
“Gai used to help me out with clients. We’d split money. And she works with Aunt Phet for extra money now,” said Kwang.
“Woah, you sleep with men instead?” asked Nick. “My friends told me that those men went around with Kwang.”
“You know nothing do you? Have you slept with this virgin here?” asked Gai.
Kwang’s face turned red and Nick confirmed that Kwang was indeed a virgin before him. She did not get anything operated on. Gai noticed the silence and smiled at the couple.
“Oh wow,” remarked Gai. “And you kept this a secret from me? No wonder you two were in your room last night.”
Nick grabbed hold of Kwang’s shoulders and saw her face get brighter and brighter.
“No need to blush,” said Gai. “I’m one of your best friends. No need to hide anything either.”
Body Scents-
Nick picked up a lavender bath oil bottle from the shelf and read the label. Kwang had gone to pick out some different products to bring back to the spa. He wished that Kwang would let him touch her again but then he didn’t want to be the same Nick that used force. Besides, he didn’t want to think perverted things.
The two walked to the back alley and Kwang grabbed hold of Nick’s left hand. He stopped and he couldn’t hold his urge to kiss her. She looked into Nick’s eyes and wanted to be in his arms. She is already his and she doesn’t care if she is hurt again. At least, that is what she is telling herself. This time she wanted him to take her and she won’t resist at all. Kwang made the first move and at least gently set the spa products on the ground and wrapped her arms around Nick’s neck and kissed him. Nick was caught by surprised.
He released his lips and mumbled, “Kwang, I can’t control myself. Stop now so I don’t feel like I’m going to take advantage of you.”
Kwang felt like a magnet had attracted her to Nick’s body heat, she didn’t want to let go.
aggrr....if i was kwang, i dunt know if i'll forgive him that easily... but his sweet sexy eyes n SMILE can make me MELT! ha!

love it so far, please update more, ch 23 was a very sweet ch. love it!
I know, p'eks like Om makes me melt.
Wow,sweety cap,love it. :wub:
I like your proverd that Kwang said to Nick.....
Hope Knight doesn't run their friendship with his friend...
Want to know who is Latsamee uncle and why he do like that.Latsamee is mean.
You say cap.24 is sweet too,i can't wait to read than....
I can't never lose intress in this FF.
Thank you and update soon...
Things will start revealing soon. I love writing this ff, I hope I can figure out a great ending
thanks for the update! i can't wait for more.
it was so sweet of nick....i'm starting to like him more lol
Nick is nicer now. But, I kinda miss his aggressive side. lol.
eeek...nick and kwang are getting cuter...but i cant believe she forgave him that quick...but it's sexy Om we're talking about here....i would forgive him in an instant lolz
Yup, it is Om, that's why she forgave so fast

Otherwise, she'd make him suffer for a while.
Yeah I agree with everyone Kwang forgive Nick to fast. She should have made him suffer a bit more..hehe
Wonder what Latsamee uncle is up too? And who is he? And what is Yatna up too now? I wonder what happened to Nappa? So now Knight want to date Mary.
Hehe, you will soon find out in the next few chapters when I finish writing them
I made Kwang forgive fast because the chapters keep adding up and I didn't want to make it super long. hehe. Since I want to start writing Type B
Nick and Kwang are so cute in this chapter.
thanks for the update.
My pleasure, happy to update for readers like you