[Ch3] 365 Wan Haeng Ruk (Makers J)


sarNie Hatchling
I'm still on ep. 7 of this lakorn :sweat: I'm starting to like it more than before but it's not my top lakorn to watch. It's interesting, though. But they tend to over exaggerate the life stories, like how Laan is sooo incredibly/psychotically jealous lol I don't think women are typically jealous to that extent...except for the "loke-jit" people lol. I think I just don't wanna anticipate the break-up and constant fighting/misunderstandings of the pra'naangs, it gets tiring after a while... but thats exactly what this lakorn is about, so I've come to accept that & expect their relationship to be disastrous. :( I'm just gonna watch because I wanna know how they'd work this problem out, though. And because Ken & Anne are great actors/actresses. :)


sarNie OldFart
I'm still on ep. 7 of this lakorn :sweat: I'm starting to like it more than before but it's not my top lakorn to watch. It's interesting, though. But they tend to over exaggerate the life stories, like how Laan is sooo incredibly/psychotically jealous lol I don't think women are typically jealous to that extent...except for the "loke-jit" people lol. I think I just don't wanna anticipate the break-up and constant fighting/misunderstandings of the pra'naangs, it gets tiring after a while... but thats exactly what this lakorn is about, so I've come to accept that & expect their relationship to be disastrous. :( I'm just gonna watch because I wanna know how they'd work this problem out, though. And because Ken & Anne are great actors/actresses. :)
thats awesome :thumbsup:
Since you're on ep.7 keep on watching till ep.9!!! :rockon:
You will enjoy it!! The rest is for you to decided lol :shutup:


sarNie Oldmaid
I guess jin's internet being gay... :scratchhead2: :scratchchin:
thats why she's missing in action now.. :coverlaf: :facepalm:
waiting you summary Jin..,


sarNie OldFart
Epi 12 Summary:

Wat questions Poompadin asking if he did marry Racha because of love. He says yes he did. But Wat plays the video of him beating up Racha. Racha is super happy. Poompadin is not happy and say that it isn't true. Wat then brings out the recording of him threatening racha. Toon is happy at how the case is going. The case is over and Poompadin says that there is no way she is going to win over him. As he leaves he glares at Toon. the 22o day Toon is working and so is Lan. Wat still likes Lan. Thy sees and leads him away. Lan looks at their wedding picture she misses him. Toon looks at his phone to call Lan but hesitates. Toon's father, Thy and Wit watches them as they thinbk of eachother. Day 250 Lans pances around and asks why Toon didn't call her. She tells thy that she really wants to call Toon and say that losing Toon is better than nothing. The case is finally ending. Racha gets what she wants and Poompadin is pissed! He hates his lawyer for losing the case. Racha thanks Toon and stops him from leaving that she'll be by his side. He tells her that they are just friends and nothing more. Racha is not having it! Wat and Nid go on a date and Racha stops her to rub it in her face but Nid barks back saying that she knows what Toon knows of her and that Wat wants to take care of her and that Racha should know Toon doesn't like her. Poompadin is pissed. He can't stand it that Toon messed up his life. He calls his goon. Something is going down. Toon goes home to his dads house and sees lan waiting for him. Lan congrats him for wining the case and say she is about to say something else some guy on the motorcycle drives up and pulls a gun.

Lan shouts and Toon pulls her aways to run. The guy rins after the, into the yard. They both hide and ask at the same time if they are okay and hug. Toon tries to call the cops but his battery is dead. Lan runs out ot grab her phone that had dropped and is spotted by the gunman Toon blocks the shot. His dad comes out and hots the guy and he runs. In the ambulance the people talk so much. he is slowly stops breathing. Lan cries as the doctor tryes to get his heart pumping. Lan pushes him away and tries to to make him breath. She cries that she is sorry but his heart beat doesn't come back. Toon's dad cries and Lan cries, and then suddenly his heart starts beating. The hospital is super slow. lol! As they bring him to the ER the nurse stops Lan from. Ting yells at Lan and ask her why she was there. Lan said she was there to spoligize. Lan cries and sees the doctor. They tell them that he lost a lot of blood but he is okay. Shit the tv just went out for a short second! Wat and Nid comes to visist. He tells them that the must report it. Poompadin does a new deal but Racha comes in to stop him saying that for him to do anything it must go through her. The dude is pissed and leaves. Poompadin is pissed and is told by his goon about sometime. He laughs and shows her that Toon was shot. How big was the case? Racha is pissed and knows that it was him. She punches him and leaves. he tells his goon to check if he's really dead. Racha comes in and Ting pushes her away. Racha protests and tells tells Lan to leave since it was her fault. Toon wakes up and sees racha, he calls for Lan but when they turn around she is no where to be seen. Lan returns to work and Wit and Thy ask her if she is okay. Lan tells them that Toon almost died because of her. She cries that it's her fault if she didn't marry him nothing would've happened like it did that day. Wit asks her if she love Toon and she tells him she does. She thinks back in what the psychic tells her and she touches his face and thanks him and goes back to see Toon.

Ting gives food to Toon and he asks where Lan went. She tells her that she doesn' know. He wonders where she is Ting also worries too. Lan's mother, Da and Win comes to see him and he asks her. He asks where she is Ting tells him that is is oaky , Toon is super worried about Lan thinking that she is injured and wants his phone to call Lan. He dad tells him to calm down. Ting takes Da out and asks where Lan is. Da tells her that she didn't go home. The mother blames Ting because she was wrong, she leaves and tells them that shes going to look for Lan. Lan is at the hospital and just misses Ting who comes around the corner. Ting sees her and tells her to see Toon She is scared and blames herself. Ting tells her to go see him because he is not dead but if he doesn't see her he might just die. Toon is super worried and anxious. Ting pushes lan to go in. Lan runs over and hugs him apoligizing. Toon's dad stops Ting and takes her out of the room. Saying she should stay out of the room. Toon asks her why she is apoloigizing and she tells him that if it wasn't for her he wouldn't be there injured. He tells her that its not her fault and kisses her. They hug! Racha comes and P'ting sees her and stops her saying her to not go in. Racha doesn't listen and goes in saying she is in a hurry. Racha tells them that its Poompadin for sure. Poompadin is pissed and beats the shooter for not killing Toon. The police comes in and tells him that he is being called. Racha stops the shooter and offers him something for not leaving and tells him that he can do whatever he wants. Poompadin pays the shooter to leave in which he does but Poompadin has something else up his sleeve.

more coming!
Lady Dila here


sarNie Hatchling
ok now you ladies getting me super curious lol...what the heck happens in ep. 9??? :huh:

(((don't tell me!!))) lol I hope they don't get a divorce yet... geez, they will though huh? The oracle would probably somehow come true :facepalm: alright, i'm gonna go catch up now lol.


sarNie OldFart
ok now you ladies getting me super curious lol...what the heck happens in ep. 9??? :huh:

(((don't tell me!!))) lol I hope they don't get a divorce yet... geez, they will though huh? The oracle would probably somehow come true :facepalm: alright, i'm gonna go catch up now lol.
You might need some :popcorn: while watching it ahhahaha :p
Have fun watching it :dance1: :dance3: :rockon:


sarNie Adult
It's alright Dila! :coverlaf:


As the shooter drives him he sees to guys on a motorcycle and speeds off. They drive up to him and oulls out a gun. He is able to get away though. He goes to Racha hotel and speaks to her. She shows the picture to Lan. Racha tells her that the shooter is with Toon. Lan asks her if Toon knows about it. Racha tells her that it doesn’t have anything to do with her. Racha tells her to leave Toon. Lan tells her that there are many guys out there why don’t she go get someone else why does it have to be Toon/ She tells het that if she loves Tooon she should let him go. Stupid guys went to the hospital again to kill Toon. Lan goes and is met up with Thy and Wit. They know something is up. The huys go into the room to kill toon stupid guys are so slow and loud. They wake Toon up and fights them off. Lan hears the commotion and goes into find Toon fighting off the guys. Wit comes in to fight to. Wit stops them but is cut by the guy. Lan cries and hugs him saying why that has to happen to him. He cries to calm her down as the nurses take wit to clean his cut. Toon is moved to a different room and watched by cops. He tells Lan to go home as Lan goes she thinks about what Racha said to her anmd goes to see her at the hotel. She sees her and follows her up to her room ro see men pull her into her room. She calls the cops. Inside They pull a gun out and Racha fights back. One of the guy chokes her as the other guy grabs a pillow to shot her. These men are super harsh.

Racha fights back and the men are stopped by the cops who arrest them. He manager comes in asking her, she asks him how she knows and he tells her that someone called, Lan comes in. He asks her why she helped her. She asks her why she came. Lan tells her that she accepts to leave Toon. She tells her that she is willing to do it for Toon. Lan tells Racha that she promises to leave Toon. Racha is happy. This woman is shameless she just got saved but continue to be a B*tch! Day 285 Toon is back at work, Wat and Nid gives him the info. Lan comes in and gives food to Toon. Lan offers to get the food ready ad they finish their work. Toon gets a call from Racha and calles him to skype, lol that computer was not there before. Toon asks her who the witness is and shows the shooter. Toon tells wat that it is the guy who shot him. He asks to talk to him. The shooter tells them that he is willing to tell the truth. Wat asks him how he can find him and leace. He tells Lan that he needs to go to work and leaves Lan. Lan is sad she receives a call from Racha. She tells her to meet her at 10 am at the hotel. Racha gives her a contract saying that it is the best to show Toon that she really wants to leave him. Lan asks what if Toon doesn’t want to leave her. Racha threatens her is she wants toon to die then don’t sign. She thinks back on the events that happen, signs and leaves. She thinks back on Toons words of protecting her at all cost and says the same thing.


sarNie OldFart
It's alright Dila! :coverlaf:


As the shooter drives him he sees to guys on a motorcycle and speeds off. They drive up to him and oulls out a gun. He is able to get away though. He goes to Racha hotel and speaks to her. She shows the picture to Lan. Racha tells her that the shooter is with Toon. Lan asks her if Toon knows about it. Racha tells her that it doesn’t have anything to do with her. Racha tells her to leave Toon. Lan tells her that there are many guys out there why don’t she go get someone else why does it have to be Toon/ She tells het that if she loves Tooon she should let him go. Stupid guys went to the hospital again to kill Toon. Lan goes and is met up with Thy and Wit. They know something is up. The huys go into the room to kill toon stupid guys are so slow and loud. They wake Toon up and fights them off. Lan hears the commotion and goes into find Toon fighting off the guys. Wit comes in to fight to. Wit stops them but is cut by the guy. Lan cries and hugs him saying why that has to happen to him. He cries to calm her down as the nurses take wit to clean his cut. Toon is moved to a different room and watched by cops. He tells Lan to go home as Lan goes she thinks about what Racha said to her anmd goes to see her at the hotel. She sees her and follows her up to her room ro see men pull her into her room. She calls the cops. Inside They pull a gun out and Racha fights back. One of the guy chokes her as the other guy grabs a pillow to shot her. These men are super harsh.
thank you for the rest of ep.8...
i am looking forward to see it in a bit :dance2:

I have a feeling Lan might step away from Toon... :scratchhead2: :rolleyes:
Just a feeling :nailbiter: :facepalm:


sarNie Adult

Toon goes home and sees Lans bag on the table. He is super happy. Lan sees him and welsomes him home. He asks her why she is home early, she tells him that she wanterd to see him and came home earily. He tells her that she is acting weird. She tells him that she isn't she is just doing what she wants. She tells him that if they break up then she wants them to be on good terms. He tells her that he'll take on another honeymoon where ever she wants to go. She cries. He tells her to not cry anymore. At night Lan is worried about leaving Toon.She looks at him cuddles him. He asks her if she can sleep and she tells him she can't, he lets her lay on his lap. She looks at him and he asks her if anything is wrong. Lan can't sleep. Toon shirtless! :pervie: Lan hugs him and tells him that she wants to help him dress, she buttons his shirt and puts on his tie. Putting on his jacket he she tells him that she loves him and they kiss. He tells her he'll see her later and she cries. Toon she is leaving you. Poompadin sits in silence as his lawyer comes to get him. He threatens his lawyers life if he should lose the case. Wat and Nid get sweet with each other bit are interrupted by Toon. He asks them if they are ready and head to the court.


sarNie Adult

Win runs down the stairs to eat breakfast in a rush to go somewhere. Before he leaves he kisses Bali and Da. They are both happy and decide to go buy somethings. Win actually went to see the court case with Toon. Wat questions Poompadin about shooting. Back at home Lan sulks and remembers their happy time together. Thy calls Lan and Lan tells her that she is not going to work, there is nothing she is busy. Wit asks her what is wrong, Thy tells her that when Lan say that there is nothing wrong there is definitely something wrong with her. At the courthouse, the shooter is brought in as a witness. He tells them that he does all the dirty things for Poompadin. Poom's laywer steps in to stop. Lan is packing her things and grabs her pictures with Toon. She looks at each one and hugs them only to pack them in her bag.


sarNie Oldmaid
Seriously,i want to do this :numchuck: :gungirl: :shutup: :vomit: :ninja: to RACHA!!!!! She;s really really :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:


sarNie Adult
Lan leaves with a heavy heart. She remembers her words at the wedding along with Toons. Wat shows video of Poompadin giving him a envelope. He is pissed. Wat brings out more evidence of the gun along with fingerprints. Racha is happy. Lan locks the door and leaves to by found by Thy and Wit. Thy asks her why she is leaving Thy tells her to tell her where is is going or else she won't talk to her anymore. She tells her that shes going to her moms house. Poompadin loses the case and goes to jail. He is pissed at his lawyer. Racha is more than happy, and so it Toon. You have no idea whats waiting for you Toon! Nothing! Racha invites Toon somewher but Win comes and interrupts them. He tells him to go to the house for a party and leaves. ha, racha tries to ask him again but Nid and Wat interruptes her. Racha goes after Toon but Nid blocks her. Lan goes home and Thy runs in. Her mother asks her why she brought her bags with her, Win runs saying that she invited Toon. Lan tells her that she must call him and tell him that he can't come. Toon comes in happy and asks her why he can't come.

Preview. Lan tells Toon that she wants to break up. Racha being a Sult goes to Toon's house. He allows her to stay. She calls Lan and tells her that she will take care of Toon. Toon goes to see Lan and Wit rubs it in his face. Wit hugs Lan and Toon punches him saying that Lan is his wife and not to go near hid thing. :rofl: :dance1:

Dang it! Racha better not kiss Toon! I hope he punches her accidentally! :rofl: You can only kiss you r wife Toon!