[Ch3] Sam Noom Nuer Thong (Maker Y)


sarNie Adult
Jackart is mature, THun (thanakorn) is mature but a player his n'k bring out a kid in him, the Cop is kinda a wuss (he sad/ dun have the gut to tell his grl off) but he fights w/ his n'k


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^ lol thanks!

wow, Mark and Kim. yep, most likely Kim will be paired with her 3 'brothers'. for some reason that's such a funny idea, just cuz i love 4HJHKK so much. ^^ i don't mind it at all, i want to see Kim work with actors her age, it's just a nice change, to see how the chemistry is....

I guess Boy just has the player look in him, and they continue to have him work it.


sarNie Oldmaid
Here some photos of Mark and Kim from 4HJHKK if ya want to look how they going to look like together...



sarNie Tombstone
Jackart is mature, THun (thanakorn) is mature but a player his n'k bring out a kid in him, the Cop is kinda a wuss (he sad/ dun have the gut to tell his grl off) but he fights w/ his n'k
Why is some of u called Thun when his nickname is Au and Thun is Jackrit and Tik's little brother nickname.


sarNie Adult
probably becuz I called him that, I couldn't remember his name, I remember it being Thunakorn = Thun to me. His full name is Au Thanakorn


Staff member
ahhhhhhh nooo.. margie n mint out noooo!! >_< darn it! oh well..

and wow.. boy/kim.. tuning in ^_^..

and wow.. mark/taew double tuning in ^__^..

and .. hmm.. kane and mew ehh.. will check it out since im growing onto mew-ish hehe..

but im still saddened margie and mint are out T_T


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
Boy & Kim and Mark & Taew :thumbsup: I've been hoping that these couples would work together and now everything is becomming reality lol. Sad that Margie won't be in this one but there's always next time


sarNie Tombstone
Cries even louder !!!!!!!!!!

Sorry that i made all u gals upset for that sad news i post the news up cos i was so excited to see Boy and Kim also never knew
for Mark/Taew to pair so fast its like my dream come true. :highfive:


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
thank you Alice! this is great news! Kim with Boy, they are going to be a hot couple!
and what an exciting new pair: Mark and Taew! i love that girl!


sarNie Adult
lol smilez can't give in to the mark and kim pairing.
I thought it would be fine but mark and kim really gives off that feeling like with yaya just pee nong
I think Kim needs a p'ek with a mature manlier. mark looks mature but his face still looks young.