I really like the pictures you have of View and Chakrit... They look really good together and you so cannot tell the age differences. Plus View has really mature into a beautiful lady since her first lakorn that I have seen her in. Chakrit looks better than ever! Lol. I agree with you, every moment Chakrit and View have together my heart is racing so fast, and when the song come on OMG! Love it! Yeah in the next episode I am secretly expecting a kiss... When Chakrit gets mad I want to see what he will do to View also. Hehehe :

se3:. Seriously Chakrit and View definitely has a spark when they are around each other, you can't help but to feel the anxiety when they're together. Oh no I meant to say that mostly in the lakorn Chakrit has a little more part with Pok than with View. And for me I want more of Chakrit and View.lol. I definitely agree with you that each cast has their fair share. The story is focus on everyone... I just prefer more View and Chakrit than Pok. And yes I expect him to end up with View, I think they would though. I am loving this lakorn so much, can't get enough. The storyline is so good, and all the cast are so good looking in here. I really like Aerin too. I was sadden by all that has happen to her. Anyways I hope this lakorn will be confirm soon.
Aw, thank you!

For everything. I like the picture, too, and there are a few more of Chakrit and View. ^_^ And I so agree with you on everything. They do look really good together, and View has matured into a beautiful woman, even though she still wear pink, girly dresses. :lol2: I feel exactly the same as you do every time a scene of Chakrit and View comes on in Talad Arom. Their first 5 or so meetings were so adorable and romantic! Chakrit = superman!!! :numchuck: I definitely feel the spark between them despite the age difference (my cousins tell me that they believe Chakrit can make you believe he has those feelings for any nang'ek lol; I suppose this is true, but I still love Chakrit & View better!

). We did see View slapped Chakrit in the teaser :whahuh:, so I'm sure there's going to be a :

se3: as well. There better be soon. They almost kissed in episode 12 (I think), but Chakrit was just teasing her in a bad way; dang it! :coverlaf: View was so hoping for it; I would, too!

You can tell he regretted being mean to her, for he almost went after her after she ran away from work, crying, but his pride held him back.
Oh, I see what you meant now; sorry, I kind of misunderstood, then. :blush: Sorry! xD Oh, I agree with you, too! There is rather a lot of interaction between Chakrit and Pok, and I'm rather scared by it. Especially after the end of episode 13 (if you haven't seen it, I don't want to spoil to you^^). I want to see more of Chakrit & View, too! I love the hate-and-love relationship in Thai lakorn! It never fails to amuse me, especially when I love the couples. I love this lakorn, too, and I tune in daily on YouTube just to watch the new episodes.

opcorn: Aw, thanks for agreeing with me.^o^ I like Aerin, too. Still love View more, but Aerin (and even Best, though I don't like her very much for now =o) is a very cool and nice character in the lakorn. I feel for her and am saddened as well. I haven't seen her other lakorns besides Kaew Lom Petch, so whenever I see her in Talad Arom, I kept expecting her to break into a tantrum or evil plan/look. :lolyup: I quite like her acting skills in Kaew Lom Petch (she was great, even though her character was a WITCH!), so I'm just quite not used to the idea of her as a nang'ek. She's doing a great job, however!^^
Sorry, that was rather long. Perhaps next time we can talk about Talad Arom in the topic for it, so that people don't mark our comments as spam? =D I'd love to talk with you again.^^ But yeah, here's to Dork Soke. Please still continue with the idea; there are two fans who want to see more of Chakrit and View!!!

Thanks again, THaiMovieLover! =)