I definitely agree! I honestly believe that Yaya is more suited and definitely has a better chance at getting the role. Matt is very pretty and highly capable, but I just cannot see her acting as Prissana. However, if she is chosen, I am sure that she can deliver a good performance. But thinking about Prissana's character, she is suppose to be young, sweet, Americanize, speaks Thai and English words in the same sentence, athletic, and have a good mindset. These characteristics just describes Yaya perfectly.
There are just some things that I am hoping for. PLEASE DO NOT GIVE PRISSANA'S ROLE TO A FIRST-TIME ACTRESS. There are already so many newbies as is. Unless she is 10x more fitted to play Prissana than Yaya and Matt, I hope that they will not hand this role to a newbie. I understand that Teya and Mew were also newbies at the time they took on the role and they both left a memorable performance. But since Yaya and Matt are hopefully being considered, there should be no need to hand this role to another person. This is a classic, and I will not watch it if they butcher this up. AND PLEASE DO NOT LET ANYONE OTHER THAN ANDREW, KEN, OR ROME PLAY THE P'EK. (High hopes for Ken and Rome)
HOPEFULLY THEIR SCHEDULES ARE NOT ALL JAMMED PACK. This would mean that they would not be able to even be considered for the part.