He did cry? I didn't even notice it. lol
I agree! Ploy & Dome has the strongest chemistry of all time. I hate to admit this but its stronger than KAteams. I hate myself for saying this. ROFL
Anyways, I can't wait to see tmr's episode! I can't believe (E)in dies! Well, at least I hope he doesn't along with the other two cute bodyguard! Let's hope something happens at the waterfall! Something cute and romantic! lol
Btw, I agree with you guys. I'm not too fond of Chompoo. She's pretty but Whoo. I'm so tired of seeing her onscreen. aha No offense or anything but she's kind of annoying right now. lol
I want Dome & Ploy to act together again. Chompoo doesn't look good with Dome...Sorry to say. ahaha
Dome & Ploy FOREVER !