[Ch3] Kon Ruk Luang Jai (Uma 99)


sarNie Egg
I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM AGAIN. i'm a little too sad that it is an action/comedy. It was a long time that they haven't played a drama.


sarNie Tombstone
I'M SO HAPPY TO SEE THEM AGAIN. i'm a little too sad that it is an action/comedy. It was a long time that they haven't played a drama.
its not just one but double, action comedy and romantic comedy and triple fake marriage


sarNie OldFart
Ken and Janie confirm - Photo from fitting for this series on Janie's Twitter :D
Oh My Gosh! This is such a GOOD NEWS!!!! :)
I'm so happy to be seeing them together again!!!!
Thanks for the news! Ken and Janie! Yay!!!!
Gosh, I want to see the fitting!


sarNie OldFart
yes yes correct :thumbsup: I'm getting so hyped up cos i like those kind of genre :numchuck: :coverlaf: :gungirl:
Oh My Gosh!I Love those Kind of Lakorn too!!!! This is even more better.
Man, I want it to air right now! Can't wait.hahha..*Screaming*** Thanks!
I'm more happy now. :)


sarNie Egg
Great..! im soo cant wait to see this lakorn :clap: i always love this pairing Ken-Jennie :highfive: hopefully there will be :slapandkissse3: :w-scene-pop-corn: :r-scene-pop-corn: :baby-scene-pop-corn: and lots of it! LOL. By the way where's the other fitting pic?? i only seen it one in Jennie's twitter also.. desperately diggin for those pics but couldnt find it yet


sarNie Juvenile
I know. I'm so excited to see the fitting pictures as well. I want to see some more of Ken and Janie!


sarNie Coma
i just saw the fitting today. they both look good! Nott W is pairing with Sara Legg. he will be playing as Janie's brother while Sara is ken's younger sister

Janies character liked Kens since childhood.


sarNie Tombstone
i just saw the fitting today. they both look good! Nott W is pairing with Sara Legg. he will be playing as Janie's brother while Sara is ken's younger sister

Janies character liked Kens since childhood.
thanks Tinah for the brief info wow Nott is Janie brother and Sara is Ken little sis
the story sound similar to Num&Rita/Chai&Yard, KLRGR, etc


Expired Sarnie
I don't really like the square family love thingy in lakorns lmao if you know what I mean.

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
I think the square love thing is better than the parents ending up together, or grandpa ending up with the mom *cough* Sapai Tornado.


sarNie Coma
alice, i think thats false news. some of the fans dont think its true

but yea, this kind of remind me of janie/kens other lakorn together "neung nai saung" when both didnt get along with each other since childhood


sarNie Oldmaid
Nott Worarit in here rite? YAY!! I love him hes super cute and always gets such sad roles, always heart broken. Nott and Sara will make a great couple!! Super excited!