Awww.. Don't be mad (that much
) at Numfon; she isn't stupid, really. She's just deluding herself about Pueng and she knows it!
I really like her self-inflicted predicament! She said in the elevator "the more you hate someone the more you see him" (or something such), the truth is actually more
the more you hate the more you love! LOL
I wish for Pueng to blow up and kiss her nice (or rough :lol2: ) to put her in her place! Or if not, he'd outwardly tune her out and visibly flirt with other girls while she is left stewing with jealousy!
As for Pueng, he really is not a doormat at all: he just knows how to pick battles and he is clearly winning.. He's making inroads in the company and may soon take his rightful place.. He punched Aof when the latter insulted him (his family?).. I think that of his oppressors, it's only Numfon he has a weakness for.. the way he looks at her when she picks up a fight with him, with a mixture of exasperation and wanting to kiss her is really :wub: