Whoot!!! This lakorn is finally airing! I am loving it so far and am going crazy over it!
Well, actually, to be honest, I only really go crazy when I see Guy and Vill, together and individually! So far, they're the most interesting couple to me, but I'm sure Tar and Grand could give them a run for their money. :coverlaf: Grand and Tar are cute together, but I say that Guy and Vill rock my world at the moment! I love the first and second meetings between Guy (Akkanee?) and Vill (Saman/Man?). I swear, Guy is starting to look like Captain Jr. Especially in the scene where he took down his hat to apologize(?) to Vill and smiled at her. But he has a deeper voice than Captain, for Captain's voice isn't as rough-souding as Guy's. Lol, Guy reminds me of Captain and Vill reminds me of Aom, so it's like they're the new Aom-Captain pairing for me. Guy looks more like Captain than Vill looks like Aom, for you have to look really closely to see a little resemblance between Aom and Vill. Anyway, about their first meeting: I love the music that plays when Man gets a good look at Akkanee. So funny and romantic at the same time. It was adorable to me when Akkanee gave a last, interested look in Man's direction as she and her brother(?) were driving away. It was intense for me.
Even though it was unoriginal and rather predictable, I love it that Akkanee thought that Man was a boy at first. Their little fight was too funny and cute. :wub: Another thing that was funny to me? Where was Ball during his sister's "battle?!" Lol, he just stood by and watched as Akkanee pummeled Man. ^_^
Goodness, this lakorn strongly reminds me of Aom and Captain's "Fah Pieng Din" lakorn. Am I the only one thinking this? Even Aom's character and Vill's character are kind of similar. I'm rather disappointed so far that although Vill is tough and seems capable to defend herself, there's not been an ACTUAL scene in which we actually see her fire the shotgun. So that makes me think that it wasn't really her firing all those shots in episodes 1 and 2. :lol2: Probably someone else did for her lol. I hope to see her do it!
Morever, it's really funny to see Ball as Vill's brother(?) and Pukhai as Vill's enemy/bully, for they were both Vill's love interests in Malai Sarm Chai. And she even got together with Pukhai in MSC! I see Ball giving Vill an intense look during the ending credits, so it makes me wonder if they really are siblings/related...and if he likes Vill more than as a sister...Ball is such a cutie! He's also very handsome and good-looking, although he is rather slim...lol, he's slimmer than Vill. :coverlaf:
I'm guessing that New and Airin are brother and sister. Aw, New's a cutie in here as well. It seems like he likes Man, according to that scene during the ending credits...I'm looking forward to their scenes and getting ready for the jealousy issues! Again, Airin is such a bad-a$$!!! She's cool and awesome! Lol, she and her whip scares me! :whip: She does appear to be the nang'rai, but I'm really hoping she turns towards the good side at the end. It's not surprising she's going to like Akkanee and be giving Akkanee and Man a hard time. So many people in here!
I can't wait to see Best and her man together. He looks like a cutie as well. He was a good-looking crossdresser! Oh, some fighting scenes do seem corny to me, but what the hey. All the main guys here are hot, the girls are beautiful, it works!
Can't wait until Monday!
Goodness, this lakorn strongly reminds me of Aom and Captain's "Fah Pieng Din" lakorn. Am I the only one thinking this? Even Aom's character and Vill's character are kind of similar. I'm rather disappointed so far that although Vill is tough and seems capable to defend herself, there's not been an ACTUAL scene in which we actually see her fire the shotgun. So that makes me think that it wasn't really her firing all those shots in episodes 1 and 2. :lol2: Probably someone else did for her lol. I hope to see her do it!
Morever, it's really funny to see Ball as Vill's brother(?) and Pukhai as Vill's enemy/bully, for they were both Vill's love interests in Malai Sarm Chai. And she even got together with Pukhai in MSC! I see Ball giving Vill an intense look during the ending credits, so it makes me wonder if they really are siblings/related...and if he likes Vill more than as a sister...Ball is such a cutie! He's also very handsome and good-looking, although he is rather slim...lol, he's slimmer than Vill. :coverlaf:
I'm guessing that New and Airin are brother and sister. Aw, New's a cutie in here as well. It seems like he likes Man, according to that scene during the ending credits...I'm looking forward to their scenes and getting ready for the jealousy issues! Again, Airin is such a bad-a$$!!! She's cool and awesome! Lol, she and her whip scares me! :whip: She does appear to be the nang'rai, but I'm really hoping she turns towards the good side at the end. It's not surprising she's going to like Akkanee and be giving Akkanee and Man a hard time. So many people in here!
I can't wait to see Best and her man together. He looks like a cutie as well. He was a good-looking crossdresser! Oh, some fighting scenes do seem corny to me, but what the hey. All the main guys here are hot, the girls are beautiful, it works!