Lol, I love everyone's comments about Kohn Teun! It's so fun reading them and finding out that we feel the same about some things. It's still wonderful even though we may have different thoughts in some cases. Great to know that we're loving KT! Awesome comments, everyone!
:yes: :wub:
I know I can't wait that long!! I'm keeping myself busy so. I won't think about it!! At first I was in it to just watch Navtar but I can't wait to see the whooollllleeeeee cast!! I love it!
I'm trying hard not to think about it as well lol. :dude: I want to be able to catch up on some things, but of course, I want the weekend to speed on by, too. But I thin I'll be more happier if Monday gets here quickly.
So, hoping I won't notice how long 3 days are lol. Yep, the cast is
AWESOME in this lakorn. Everyone's at their best!!!
To Prisna and Pangia: Lol, I enjoy reading your comments; you two voiced what I was thinking (about Guy, View, Aerin, Tar, Grand, etc).
haha I like how they use Noon and Tar to play as brother and sister because Noon can keep her eyes on Tar for her sister. hahah I think Aerin might said View is a kid who has no parent that why she sad.
Agree, Prisna! Funny thought that crossed my mind as well lol. Um-hmm about what Aerin said! :yes:
Love it. They look so close. I wish I could be Grand or View, so I can get the kiss from one of those guys. haha From the pic, Tar seem to enjoying kissing Grand, it so passionate. :wub:
I know, I also wish I could be Grand or View (and Best!)...though if I have to pick or be honest, lol, I'd rather want to be View/be in View's situation.
Guy's the hottest to me, even though Froy and Tar are so, so, so close!!!! :wub: I know, Tar and Grand's kiss is so sweet and passionate! xD
Thanks Maiko. I will try to do some banner of KT, if you have any nice pic, please share.
You're welcome, Prisna! I'm going to repeat myself a lot lol; can't wait til your next artworks of KT! Looking so forward to the banners! :dance3: I'm going to do the same as you and Pangia: creating pictures of KT...esp. of Guy and View. xD I have a feeling that I will probably be able to complete just one pic, since it takes me such a long time to finish a picture and it's hard for me to come up with a good idea lol...