in the real world, charles would have been caught, jailed and trialed, and perhaps would have to pay for his crime; sexual harrasment! :numchuck: :numchuck: . i lost count how many times he physically, verbally and mentally harrased our pretty fahlada... :cloud9: . but then, that what makes the lakorn exciting! hehehehe..i must be out of my mind :flowers:

i noticed that what brought charles back to his senses when he is in "harrased fah" mode were when fah said:
1) i hate you
2) i kill you
3) i rather die so that i don't have to see you.
Man!!! That cut him the deepest :mellow:
i hate my situation right now. for the next 2 weeks, beginning tmrw, i'll be marking a national english papers here in Malaysia. at the same time, GRGR will in the next 2 weeks. how can i focus marking when I'm thinking about yadech and how can i watch yadech when i'm thinking about marking!!!???? :faint: i' so screwed!