sarNie Adult
I loved it
credit : Bluelagoon246
I loved it
credit : Bluelagoon246
haha lea lemon I also love the last pic too naruk jung leuy :kiss2:i like the last pic lalalalala... :dance2: thanks dilla.
yeah me too. i have no doubt about them. that is offscreen , n that is not a photo shooting..haha lea lemon I also love the last pic too naruk jung leuy :kiss2:
agreed! Anne comfortable with all her co-star....i even feel that anne even more comfortable with Aum than Mart off screen.........I thought I'm detail already when come to lakorn you girls are more (super) detail. Somehow I didn't see sparkle between them forwhatever reason. Yes, they seem comfortable with Mart, but I found that usually with other co-actor too. Anyway I still prefer Ann with her p'A...
Anyone knows whne this going to come out. I hope not now because I wouldn't have time to watch it...
haha lea lemon you just crack me :woot: an analyst I'll try to be one too :highfive:yeah me too. i have no doubt about them. that is offscreen , n that is not a photo shooting..
for me that pic telling me that they are in love that is it.
am working as my job is analysed n when i analysed the pic.
i found love. anne so happy when mart around.. and always .. him. as i said after qi pao everyone will suprised.. sorry to ken 's fan .
anne seems love mart. here.and those pics taken wasnt on screen.
all off screen.and mart been linked to her offscreen even just one lakorn they acted together.
it seems the feeling still just the matter of time.
haha the 3rd pic crack me badly :woot:agreed! Anne comfortable with all her co-star....i even feel that anne even more comfortable with Aum than Mart off screen.........
and me too..i also prefer her with P'A....
i think it'll come out on October or November...
lea: here for you...
credit : Tianlu
hahaha.. everyday analysed analysed... n now change the job analysed the pics.. lol..haha lea lemon you just crack me :woot: an analyst I'll try to be one too :highfive:
that was the past she looks good with Ken now currently and from now on Mart his taking overAnne is most comfortable with Ken onscreen and definitely offscreen.
no doubt!!!!Anne is most comfortable with Ken onscreen and definitely offscreen.
555. lea lemon :beer:lol i dont think anne will do that to someone married. lol
whatever .. u think guys..
i stick to mine .. smart + anne team. :dance2:
:beer: cheers555. lea lemon :beer: