you know what, I read from pantip that Mark will have 4 lakorns coming up after Nuer Mek 2 and PCKK. And one will be with P'Nok again, and yes, action again hahah Mark and Kim (and maybe Chalida) might also reunite again... but we don't know for sure. All I know is that Mark will be pack up with 4 lakorns after Nuer Mek 2 and PCKK finish. One will be with P'Nok Chatchai again, 2 will be with Maker Group, 3, he might be in Sai See Plerng which Chalida also had a news about this lakorn before too however they said he might be a supporting character for that lakorn, and the last one will be with Maker J which is with P'Nok Jariya (P'Johnny's wife). However, we don't know for sure yet and can't really admit it yet. I only found it in pantip, written from OHO Magazine.