[Ch3] Rising Sun Series 2: Roy Fun Tawan Duerd (Makers Y)


sarNie Hatchling
Thank you Chubbycheek for sharing this interview! I adore and admire Yaya even more after reading interview. Yaya has grown up soo much and I know that she will be very successful whether with her p'chai or not!! Yaya is smart, intelligent, beautiful, kind heart, who capture lots of people hearts from all over the world. I will always support Yaya!!!

Miss Bouakham

sarNie Hatchling
Thank you chubbycheeks for sharing this. You just put the words out of my mouth.
I love yaya so much but this has only made my love and respect increase tenfold.
And as a true fan, this is the best i can do.
I do not need to go bash on any star or fan, I will only continue to support the star that I love.
The best revenge, I've heard, is to live well.

It's embarrassing for the haters that this is even brought up to the media's attention but yaya handled it well.
I'm sure she's hurting inside (who wouldn't?) But she is strong and will get through this.
Yaya fighting!!


Staff member
It takes a bigger person to understand the little one .. therefore, i say YAYA is the bigger person of this whole mess. I'm happy and glad she holds her head high and moves forward from here. It doesn't take much to be miserable so by having people comes and complains -- it only means two things, she's too GOOD therefore those who put her down fear her existence and two, she's more knowledgeable and wiser than those who claim to be intelligence. Above all, i think our GIRL is a fighter ... a true fighter who doesn't need to fear anyone for her presence already says it all. HAHAHA - i sound boastful but i have only positive thinking out of this whole anti-and non-anti mess.

I just think why hate someone --- when you waste twice your energy to think, calculate, manipulate, and influence others. Why not let nature takes it course -- enjoy life too the fullest. Times are precious - don't waste them on nonsense talks.

I just have to add that 'YADECH: CONFIDENCE WITHOUT ARROGANCE' YAYA defined this slogan to the max!


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
Insecurity is the only reason to explain why some fans were driven to extent of making an IG account just to bash on Yaya. Everyone has their moment to shine. Let time prove everything. If Kim is talented and capable, she will also eventually get her chance and as her fan, they should believe in her and give her their encouragements. Going around insulting others won't do anything aside from causing more tension and misunderstandings between the two fandoms and it'll also set a very bad representation of Kim and her fan club.

I love and respect Yaya dearly. Despite that I'm not a Kim fan and that her fans barely showed an ounce of respect towards my girl or her supporters, I have enough humanity to stay quiet and ignore everything. I love myself and the last thing I'd want to do is purposely bring unnecessary trouble into my life and stress out over it. I'm very well prepared for the future drama ahead because I know for a fact this is only the beginning. But.. if we see Yaya as a role model and follow after her, we'll learn that "it takes a better [person] to walk away". When we ignore drama, it's not because we agree with it but because we know better.


Live Love Laugh
Thanks CC for sharing the news. I heard of this unfortunate news but didn't know the exact details.

I just don't understand why there are so many people in this world who could go around and said hurtful things to others. Whatever happen to the phrase "Treat others just like you want them to treat you".

I've followed and supported Yaya since DJA. I have to say that she is a very beautiful young lady inside and outside, hard working, respectful, humble, funny, goofy, down to earth, sweet, and lovable. I'm very proud of Yaya and of Mae Pla for raising such a wonderful daughter.

Both Nadech and Yaya are very young but yet they are very mature for their age. The more popular they are, the more news (both positive and negative) they will have. We just have to continue to support their works and give them encouragement and emotional support.


sarNie Hatchling
I think the one that should be the bigger person is Kim. Whether the fans truly her fan or not , she should comment back to those hater that was bashing Yaya. Kim should have enough respect to protect Yaya like Yaya is doing to Kim. I'm sure Kim knows about this like everyone else.


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
Kim definitely knows about it. It reminds me, one of the photographers for TNNKK, P'Jao actually saw some of the comments on Fastbeam's cartoon of Nangfah and said "Don't delete these comments na. I will show Nong Kim". LOL.

I shall apologize to all the NY fans here on this thread. My intention isn't to cause trouble on this thread. I only wanted to address this issue as I see it's slowly starting to become a big deal when it shouldn't be. When I watched this interview, I felt as though Yaya really handled herself well and it reminded as to why I became her fan in the first place. I liked her not only because of her endearing looks and acting abilties but also because of her personality where she's always so positive and optimistic. This video is the perfect example.


Staff member
Like I always tell one of my friend .. It doesn't matter who get there first. At the end of the road, we'll all get there. Just because you excel a little now it doesn't mean you won't crumble half way there. There is and always will be someone who fell behind that will catch up to you eventually. Therefore, don't get angry or laugh at their unfortunate.

As for who's better than who -- I think that beauty and acting is really all in the eyes of the beholder. Just because i feel mine is better than yours, i shouldn't go around attacking yours. It takes a better fan to be a great fan. I think overall, i've seen a lot of good example on some of the Yadecher. It's a pity when i see ex-Yaya fans criticize Yaya and support their newfound love for the new dara.

MRS.Chum, I actually think that we don't need to tell who's a bigger person in this situation because it is clear enough for us to determine who is the bigger person or the better fans here lmao


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
People shouldn't be quick to judge and assume things because the future is always unpredictable. If you claim to love someone, you will appreciate their progression, not set expectations for them to be the best of the best. As for who is better, it's all about personal preference. Someone who is appealing to you may not appeal to someone else. Fair enough. But once you discriminate another just to praise your bias, that's when you're labelled as a 'hater' and then the question "if you hate someone then why are you following up with them?" comes about. Constructive criticism and opinions are fine. Bashing however is NOT.


Staff member
hahaha - pulling favorite quotes of mine to identify myself with this mess lol:

"You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him." ~Leo Aikman

"Our prime purpose in this life to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama

"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. And for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." - Audrey Hepburn


sarNie Adult
Poor Yaya!whoever bashing her is not nice at all. Hope Yaya will get through this and will support her all the way, and Nadech will support her too .


imma kick ur-ass-aya !
You know I always love your quotes and words of wisdom dearest Ceci. :heart: Amen!

This one in particular caught my attention.

"Our prime purpose in this life to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama"

Before we help others, we also must help ourselves. In this case you can first start helping yourself by ignoring things that no longer make you happy and no longer serves a purpose. If you can't respect yourself enough to walk away then how can you expect others to respect you? So that brings me to another favourite quote of mine

"Respect for ourselves guides our morals;
respect for others guides our manners" - Laurence Stern

Regarding Kim, I do agree that she should speak up but it's all up to Kim and whether she wants to stand up to defend not only herself and her fans but also her fellow friend or not. Whether those individuals are indeed fans of Kim or just imposers, they're basically using her name and the identity of a KMFC member to criticize Yaya. So unless she wants people to continue to taint her name in that way, it would be reasonable to say something but who knows, maybe she doesn't care enough to do so. It all depends on Kim and what her decision is. I remember hearing from a friend not too long ago where Kim told her fans, if they love her then they must love Yaya as well. I have no clue what her objective is with that comment but I personally feel like she could have rephrased herself. You can't force one to love something or someone, it has to come naturally from the heart. However, Yaya does deserve respect meaning if you like her you'll remain a neutral fan and if you don't like her then you'll refrain from abusing Yaya whether it's for the sake of Kim or for the sake of self respect and integrity. Yaya doesn't need forced love from anyone nor is she worthy of all the nasty comments being thrown at her. If Yaya means anything to Kim, she can simply tell her fans to attempt to show some respect to the people around her, not control her fans as to who they should love. That's just my thoughts though. If I happen to offend anyone, I apologize in advance.

Anyways, I'll stop now lol. Sathuuuu! I bless my lovely girl to continue to fight her way through all the negativity and always keep her head up to receive the beautiful things in life. Time is so limited. Life is so unpredictable. Cherish what you have and make the best of everything.

Cupid Candy

sarNie Coma
Oh wow, i knew something was up last week when i saw some comments of fans confronting haters. I didn't get to see the mean comments but i got the gist that they were pretty harsh. I'm glad Yaya is keeping her head up high and i feel so bad for her. She doesn't deserve any of this crap, she hasn't done anything to anyone. Susu na P'Yaya, your beautiful on the inside and out!


sarNie Adult
sigh @attention seekers, at least thats wat i think of those haters. jai yen yen (fai's style)! sometimes i tell myself why read negative comments wen its gona make me sad, its hard to read the bashings but not reading is harder bcos some1 u admire is been attacked, but yaya has proven to me in this situation that she is mature, intelligent and wise enough to walk away from all the bashing so as a fan all i can do is give her my full support at this moment and in the future. thank u all the fans supporting yaya, you are showing the real definition of a TRUE fan, and i find that very precious!!