You know I always love your quotes and words of wisdom dearest Ceci. :heart: Amen!
This one in particular caught my attention.
"Our prime purpose in this life to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - Dalai Lama"
Before we help others, we also must help ourselves. In this case you can first start helping yourself by ignoring things that no longer make you happy and no longer serves a purpose. If you can't respect yourself enough to walk away then how can you expect others to respect you? So that brings me to another favourite quote of mine
"Respect for ourselves guides our morals;
respect for others guides our manners" - Laurence Stern
Regarding Kim, I do agree that she should speak up but it's all up to Kim and whether she wants to stand up to defend not only herself and her fans but also her fellow friend or not. Whether those individuals are indeed fans of Kim or just imposers, they're basically using her name and the identity of a KMFC member to criticize Yaya. So unless she wants people to continue to taint her name in that way, it would be reasonable to say something but who knows, maybe she doesn't care enough to do so. It all depends on Kim and what her decision is. I remember hearing from a friend not too long ago where Kim told her fans, if they love her then they must love Yaya as well. I have no clue what her objective is with that comment but I personally feel like she could have rephrased herself. You can't force one to love something or someone, it has to come naturally from the heart. However, Yaya does deserve respect meaning if you like her you'll remain a neutral fan and if you don't like her then you'll refrain from abusing Yaya whether it's for the sake of Kim or for the sake of self respect and integrity. Yaya doesn't need forced love from anyone nor is she worthy of all the nasty comments being thrown at her. If Yaya means anything to Kim, she can simply tell her fans to attempt to show some respect to the people around her, not control her fans as to who they should love. That's just my thoughts though. If I happen to offend anyone, I apologize in advance.
Anyways, I'll stop now lol. Sathuuuu! I bless my lovely girl to continue to fight her way through all the negativity and always keep her head up to receive the beautiful things in life. Time is so limited. Life is so unpredictable. Cherish what you have and make the best of everything.