it doesnt seem random...must be for our lovely kimmy..chai?Nadech look hot with da white rose...wonder who is it for or just another random pics :scratchhead2:
damn...nadech must me over protective with his old fai and namWoohoo we are slowly getting more pages LMFAO but keep it up girlz...for our girl Kimmy and our boyz Nadech!!!
YaMaMiKi i hope it for our Kimmy not for anybody else...cough cough...Alex...since he have a band aid on his nose LMFAO
Nadech looks good made up. lol compared to his full bangs hahahhahacr: as tagged
LOL--I was confused with your comment earlier too LOL because I knew that was Alex. LOL HAHAHAOh lol man I need to get my eyes check...two mistaken already lol
Lol I saw this pic first and thought is was Nadech's head on a woman's body lol.. Man boobies and purse.. I still luh him <3cr: as tagged.
LOL man boobies. Yeah, Nadech's chest is kinda big now.Lol I saw this pic first and thought is was Nadech's head on a woman's body lol.. Man boobies and purse.. I still luh him <3
LMAO!!LOL didnt notice til u mentioned. LOL
but I heard he was putting on pounds to match up to nong'Kim naa LOL Now his are even bigger. LOL hahahahah
I totally fell for Alex after Ruk Pathiharn <3cr: as tagged.