sarNie Hatchling
I don't want to say that i don't believe this new nor do I want to say that i believe it. Some of us, fans, have a hard time separating real life and lakorn. We tend to get so into it than it's hard for us to except what is real and what is not. If Nadech have find someone that that he can connect to and that person isn't Yaya, I would still respect his decision. Because reality is reality and if this new happen to be true we all need to learn to support it. We need to learn to take things the hard way first so when the truth hits us in the face, it won't hurt as much. Yadech are a couple that i would always cheer on off screen and on screen. they would forever be my precious couple/koo-kwan and I will forever cheerish them. We shouldn't focus too much on this new unless Nadech comes out and confirms it himself...so till then keep loving and support YadechThanks everyone for posting clips and pictures of Yadech's latest event.
As always, they are very cute and entertaining. Fans love them and cheer for them to be a real couple.
I will support their works together and individually. I will cheer for them on-screen; however, off-screen I will leave that to fate and destiny. I don't want to be disappointed and I don't want Yadech fans to be either.
According to the latest IN magazine, October 2012, (credit to NadechYaya.com Facebook). He said he doesn't have a girlfriend yet, but he is talking to someone outside of ET. She is someone from his hometown of Korn Kaen. They would go out with the groups of friends or sometimes just the two of them.
Sorry, I don't really want to bring this up, but Nadech once said to the fans. He said please do not focus too much on wanting them to be a real couple because ultimately the fans would be the ones who will get hurt if thing doesn't turn out to be what the fans want.
Thanks Vimalee for sharing. Truly appreciate it