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  • uhh, yeah. me and kyu got married during break, huharharhar. but i didn't invite you because it was SO last minute! xD
    heyy...sorry for being really random, but i like ur signature! haven't seen crows zero yet, but i will watch that since it has those kinda 'bad boys' in it..haha..
    I'm such a nooooooooooob! But hey! look who i found! lmao.
    I finally joined sarnworld. Guess who? xD
    girl what happened to EVERYONE? our generation is GONE Lol. heyhey i have a fellow sarnie who needs help with poster and a banner. Do you think you can help her? i know Ceci does it too but im not very, close to her. lol. Her user name is lakornsrok . Shes on your friend list too. i told her for now to look for pictures she would like to put on the poster/banner. When she is ready, either me or
    her will let you know by comment. thanx Julie. merry late X mass :) early happy ny.
    that's aya ueto in attention please at ur siggy! i just love her! and that dorama was funny too!
    OMG, I just checked my profile, which I never do, and saw you wished me a happy bday back in May. hahaha. Just want to say THANKS! You have a good day.
    julie.. i'm trying so hard to not think about them and when i do, it just makes me wanna cry. its soo sad. =( that's why i haven't been in the 2pm forum lately.
    cool, im glad that they did throw you a surprise party!!!.. they did a pretty good job to be able to do it without you being aware of what is going on.
    awww im sorry to hear that julie...maybe they will give you a surprise party in the evening? no one really forget thei love ones bday..
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