You know thats a good question. I guess you can't keep it cold. No problem then, you will have to take me to McD's while I still have jet lag haha. That should be nice, imagine me puking out the McFlurry. Mmmm lol.
You bite my legs and I will tell the Chinese girl you met in the library that you are a true dog haha. I'm sure she will love it and then your r-scene smilies can really be put to use. HAHHAHAHAHAHha omg I am laughing too hard right now.
lol I am not hiding in the libraries. Psssshh only you and Kenny do that. I forgot to wish you a happy birthday even though its 2 or 3 weeks late now. You are getting so old haha.
thanks for the ZZ album! Tried to rep u, but it seems I reached my max for today. will do tomorrow. Mario Galaxy was a fun game... will last you a week or less. Kind of kiddy though. See you around.