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  • yoo little pimp...lol. seduction doesn't work on RockStars. hahhaa, just dust urself off and try again.
    sorry I was not cook for u, and yes I got cut with a knife, papers wont make me bleed tha much.
    My finger got cut, it bleed from Sunday to today I went to the nurse, it was still bleeding again. The nurse said I might need to get a stiches. Lucky my ap-history teacher didnt give out the test on monday cuz I didnt go to school, she didn't give it today too. She was packing her stuff cuz we moving to the new school when we come back from winter break. Maybe I have to study it tonight.
    I'm having the Ap-history test on monday, I not feel good about this test, worry I will fail it again.
    Well? you gonna sing for me? If no sing no pay. Thats how it is! Plus you still owe me a McFlurry anyways. OMG Char you owe me too many things. First a mcflurry now a singing session haha. It's not peer pressure my twin...its sibling love lol.
    Sorry about your too. I hope I pass the next test too. My school i gettin so busy and alot work to do, I'm so tired.
    Yah of course I'll pay you...a penny haha. Yes Char, I broke up with Note. He was like a good thing that was killing me slowly and painfully LOL how corny. He never visited, he never called, and never appeared on screen for me to see his sexy face so I was like its time to end this love affair haha. But yah if you promise to sing, I promise to pay...a penny. Pennies are so sexy you know, they
    hmm what else?? haha can i be Lekie Lo mr. Lo?? haha nvm.. jkjk... anyways TY very much for the song...... your the cutest!! muah... love lekie!!
    poor mr xxx :( and yes rap rabbit is nice wif choc i havent had it for a while :(:( 555 im eating these really stinky cheese doritos 555 they nice tho ^^
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