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  • awww, i miss ur blonde hotness, share shaare (PM) :) how was prom?? anything new posted yet, college gal :)
    Ahaha, why not, I want to try a flying carpet. Hey, I saw your latest blonde pic... Why did you turn blonde for fake ? You should have put green, blue or orange... :D
    What? D's gonna come out of the online shadows to share personal info like her BF to you? Amazing!
    As for being a cheapo... and being rich. I think you mistaken me for someone else.
    -$260,000.00 = not rich.
    Cappy... reading Nai's comments cracks me up.... it's like I'm on your page or something.
    As for Nai...
    whyz you got to bash on your p'chai hmm????????????????????
    I'm offended that you think I would tell a girl it's real when it's not.
    You don't know me... cause I would straight u
    Bleh, gross ! AHAH. Older yes, OLD older : NO ! :D
    Don't worry, Char wanna seek older, but he got not chance at all :D
    Do you remember when I said I met other grandmas at the temples ? AHAHA, well I'm not that crazy. I don't want them TOO OLD like that :p.
    Ahah, even if I'm old, I have to keep a good face :D Maybe I'll like other grandma later AHAHAHA !
    Ahaha, what a nice program. I don't know if you guys are scared of heights, but you should be on the top of the tower :D. When it's time, send me a card to come and see the bride.
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