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    Thai people's strange eating habit.

    Honey, germs are everywhere... They're on every doorknob, every piece of clothing - even the air you breath in has germs. You're not going to get any more than your body can handle just by sharing food or drinks with someone. :rolleyes:
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    Thai people's strange eating habit.

    I don't think it's a strange eating habit.. I actually think it's very normal. Not only do I share plates with my family, I also share the same plates with my friends. For one of my close friends, we eat out of the same plate using the same fork and spoon.
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    who do you like with aom?

    This was a hard choice between three great men for Aom... but I have to chose Captain because they make one heart jumping couple together.
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    Boringest Thai Lakorns

    Kae Erm with Noon and Bee Sawich... Usually, I enjoy all of Noon's lakorns but this one was a snoozer for sure.
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    I notice that, too. :wacko: :wacko: NongMam continuously bashes on Aum at any chance she gets.
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    Mann's Work

    All of your work is sooooo good, Mann!!!
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    omg paul kissed a girl

    :ph34r: I wouldn't want to be that n'rai.
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    I've bought a few lakorns from them and I am very pleased with the quality and the service. I haven't seen any lakorns with quality as good as theirs. There was one situation where they accidentally sent me the wrong epi in my lakorn stack and I didn't realize it until 4 months later. I...
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    Which last name guys do you think are better looking?

    Yes, I've heard that left-handed people are smart. I'm proud to be left-handed, too! The myth is that everyone is born right-handed.. but left-handed people were smart enough to defeat that and teach themselves to do the opposite. Don't know how true the myth is.. but I know I'm not dumb...
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    Things You Noticed About Love

    I notice that love teaches you to give and be unselfish. I notice that I will go through lots of extents for my husband. Love makes you share emotions. If the person you love is happy, you're happy... if the person you love is sad, you're sad. Love is a bonding of hearts between two people.
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    Finally~JonBenet's Killer Arrested

    In one article I read, it says that the guy used to be neighbors to the Ramseys.
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    Finally~JonBenet's Killer Arrested

    Not really understanding what you mean ja. The murder happened in the US. Thailand is only involved because he fled the US and is trying to find a job in Thailand as a 2nd grade teacher. He was orignally arrested in Thailand for other offenses... Somehow through that arrest, the confession...
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    typical asian height

    I'm 5'3, a little on the short side but I like it because I'm able to wear heels without feeling like I'm towering over guys.
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    Best Cell phone Providers?

    I hear the cingular has good plans and good signals. They're probably the best bet.
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    Finally~JonBenet's Killer Arrested

    Thanks for clarifying. I didn't think the DNA tests were done yet. I can't wait to see the results of this... really wondering if he's the killer or not. He said "I was with JonBenet when she died" and stated that "her death was an accident"... but never really stated that he "killed" her...
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    khmer singer

    The only one that I really, really can't stand is Pov Panyapiech. She always sounds like she has something up her nose. <_< Leakana...sometimes she sounds okay..but then other times, her voice gets too squeaky. :blink:
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    No Sex Please, We're Asian

    Thanks for sharing this intersting article. :lmao:
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    Nameless Graphics

    Wow, your work is very awesome. Thanks for sharing.