tastesweetlove sarNie Granny Aug 13, 2010 #62 Those are beautiful. I also like Pim! She's so pretty!!
H huajaikaungtur - Marina ♥ Aug 13, 2010 #63 omgg, you're super good. good job, mainhiathao. love your inspiring artwork :]
mainhiathao sarNie Granny Aug 21, 2010 #66 more simple artworks of k-pop boyband MBLAQ.. i love :wub: Thunder aka Cheon Doong g.o. artworks n lee joon ...will make more later....
more simple artworks of k-pop boyband MBLAQ.. i love :wub: Thunder aka Cheon Doong g.o. artworks n lee joon ...will make more later....
duaxiong sarNie Adult Aug 21, 2010 #67 OMG. That is just...AWESOME! i heck of love your blending and texturess. Mblaq are suchhh hotties.taha.
OMG. That is just...AWESOME! i heck of love your blending and texturess. Mblaq are suchhh hotties.taha.
mainhiathao sarNie Granny Aug 22, 2010 #73 update a new artwork... i might write this ff after all my current fanfic. Beauty of Gold starring: Son Min Aump/Aum
update a new artwork... i might write this ff after all my current fanfic. Beauty of Gold starring: Son Min Aump/Aum
aikoden ♥DREAMER♥ Staff member Aug 22, 2010 #74 ooo my mblaq hubbies... OH YEAH!!!! XD.. lol.. but awwwe.. no mir or seungho... T_T.. <3 JOON & G.O
TheGurlo22 sarNie Adult Aug 22, 2010 #75 Cute,,love the poster can't wait to read the fanfic if you do write it...
TubbyTinker You're Average Person :) Aug 22, 2010 #76 wahhh you're getting better...I love that ff poster.
tastesweetlove sarNie Granny Aug 23, 2010 #77 that is super pretty. I hope one day Min and Aum can be in a lakorn together, they could past off as sisters
that is super pretty. I hope one day Min and Aum can be in a lakorn together, they could past off as sisters
M mai92 sarNie Adult Aug 23, 2010 #78 oH mY sOO pReTTy!!! lOvE tHE pOstER!!! hOpE u wRIte iT sOOn... cAN't waIT tO rEAd!!! i hOPE u dON't mIND... I'm gOnnA sTeAL G.O.'s aRtwOrks... he'S sOO cUTE, wAT a hOttIE!!!
oH mY sOO pReTTy!!! lOvE tHE pOstER!!! hOpE u wRIte iT sOOn... cAN't waIT tO rEAd!!! i hOPE u dON't mIND... I'm gOnnA sTeAL G.O.'s aRtwOrks... he'S sOO cUTE, wAT a hOttIE!!!
duaxiong sarNie Adult Aug 29, 2010 #80 OMG. that's so pretty<3 Love the Beauty of Gold poster. Hope you do write it)iLOVE your artworks.