LOL. What is this?!?

Where did that randomness come from?!? Lol. 55555
Lord. See, I knew it insecure people was gonna let insecurity get into their heads. 5555 I was sure my post earlier was regarding the actual comments I read on that daokrajai post, nothing pertaining to Kimmy. Lol.

Or neither did I even mention “all” MK fans lol
@“peace” I really don’t know you. I don’t know where your defensiveness comes from. I haven’t called Kimmy ugly in this thread. I barely mentioned Kimmy. I know you’re very defensive of Kimmy, and sometimes I think because you think I’m a Mark fan, I should like ship Kimmy with Mark lol but I feel very bad, I don’t see it that way, not anymore. You don’t have to worry about me insulting your Kimmy, I don’t have time for that but yes—there will be times where I will say who matches Mark better and who doesn’t. But that doesn’t pertain you.
When I made those comments about insecure fans, there are a lot! It wasn’t even towards you, lol, but you got the need to jump in? Lol. It was regarding the comments under that daokrajai post. Lol. 5555 but since you jumped in, maybe you read those comments. Lol. 555555 I just read so many, and lol, it proved how insecure those fans were. I think they are very scared of Mark leaving Kimmy or something lol. Just those comments is what made me said why they’re so scared Mark’s gonna fall for Mew. Lol. It was all for fun, you should not take it so personal.