Fanboy detected
Yeah. In this one interview, Pon was like "NYCHA likes to tease me" lmao usually it's the other way around. It's so cute how he gets shy because of her and how she knows he's shy and still teases him!
Right. I came home almost midnight. Stayed up to watch. Was so sleepy. Lol.I need to sit down and rewatch the whole thing again to really absorb everything. This is definitely in my top 10 of all time. The story, the acting are all really good.
If you want to watch more of Pon’s , I think , Pon in Trabarb see chompoo is his masterpiece. Eng sub caption available on Ch3Thailand YT . Pon & Bua have good chemistry it spills
This drama...I had eyes for it ever since the fitting. Oh boy was the wait worth it! This Lakorn was really an emotional roller coaster ride! Especially getting a Na'ek being the the third hand of a married couple!? Like what! I know that part was a turn off for some people to not tune in!... I mean...I will never never ever! Ever understand third hand people lol. Because there love is someone else's sadness and pain. Like how can you live with a love Knowing that your happy because someone else is sad. But then again love is love. Love is blind and sometimes selfish. Kalin. Our Na'ek....her character gosh.There were so many times I couldn't relate to her at all. But there were also times when i COULD. I really love her character though she did some dumb shit! She is indeed Savage! And our Protagonist. Inn! Gosh I still hate JaoNoy to my very guts lmao even till the end. But as for Inn...felt he really did love thi more then JaoNoy loved JaoWongDuen. Like what Lin said to Thii. "To Inn, p'Thii keu tee soot". Hardsubbed , To Inn, p'Thii is his best (idk if it's correct but yeah). I mean I guess he can be forgiven...but not so quickly. Thii was always Inn's warmth in life idk why he never realized it lol wit his player a** self. Ok now our Pa'ek Ben...boy oh boy! Luis and Ben...I honestly feel like Lin fell more in love with Luis. Maybe even just love how he was so very genuinely understanding. But at the same time wasn't too nice of a good guy to let Lin F up too much! Gosh talk about being there for someone! He is the definition of being there for someone no matter how ugly shit got! Like what they say, if you love someone, let them go. And I think that's the strongest thing to do. Cause honestly if it was me...I'd be selfish and try to win that person over. But dam. Ben/Luis loved lin all along, always have! But did the most painful shit. Watch the person he loved, love someone else. Gosh I need myself a Benjamin/Luis guys!!!
And lastly yoghurt! Jaowongduen. Her love turned her evil. It's so sad. But she should have never gotten blood on her hands. Thii. I'm going to admit. I've been staying lowkey teamThii all along! I admit it! Now thii wasn't evil, nor was she selfish, because she was just trying to get what's hers back. I dont know how to explain her....maybe kinda of a Bi* but yeah over all! I really genuinely LOVE this lakorn though every character including Ben (yeah Ben) were flawed I felt like he kept his feelings inside way too well. Yeah that a me..cause I wanted him to get the gurl. NYCHA. I've always followed her work for a very long time! And this is really her BREAKTHROUGH ROLE! Toey, this is my 2md time watching him. And for Pon and Yoghurt it's my 1st! I'm looking forward to all their upcoming work!....yeah.. idk why I feel sad even tho it was a happy ending...someone help me. Maybe I just need more PoNychaI know it! I just know that ch3 will pair PoNycha up again in the future! I can sense it lol! I dont know if it's in the near future or maybe withing 2/3years but I believe they'll eventually pair again! And I'll be waiting! This lakorn holds a very deep place in my heart. In the end. These characters dont know the difference between avenge & revenge lol. Get this. Some people may think that you're a weak person when you don't do shit when someone does something wrong to you. But in my case. I think not doing anything and let karma get the person is the strongest thing a person can do. Look at the end her and inn were always the wrong ones. Tiankham too. Gurl wanted lin to get honestly! I couldn't have imagined anyone else playing Lin other than NYCHA. All the actors portrayed their characters so well! I'm crying!!Ok. That's it. I'll stop here. Tho I still got more to say...
Lol i felt everything you felt. It was so satisfying when Thi slapped Lin in the hospital because no matter how you look at it, Lin was climbing the torny tree! it spills
This drama...I had eyes for it ever since the fitting. Oh boy was the wait worth it! This Lakorn was really an emotional roller coaster ride! Especially getting a Na'ek being the the third hand of a married couple!? Like what! I know that part was a turn off for some people to not tune in!... I mean...I will never never ever! Ever understand third hand people lol. Because there love is someone else's sadness and pain. Like how can you live with a love Knowing that your happy because someone else is sad. But then again love is love. Love is blind and sometimes selfish. Kalin. Our Na'ek....her character gosh.There were so many times I couldn't relate to her at all. But there were also times when i COULD. I really love her character though she did some dumb shit! She is indeed Savage! And our Protagonist. Inn! Gosh I still hate JaoNoy to my very guts lmao even till the end. But as for Inn...felt he really did love thi more then JaoNoy loved JaoWongDuen. Like what Lin said to Thii. "To Inn, p'Thii keu tee soot". Hardsubbed , To Inn, p'Thii is his best (idk if it's correct but yeah). I mean I guess he can be forgiven...but not so quickly. Thii was always Inn's warmth in life idk why he never realized it lol wit his player a** self. Ok now our Pa'ek Ben...boy oh boy! Luis and Ben...I honestly feel like Lin fell more in love with Luis. Maybe even just love how he was so very genuinely understanding. But at the same time wasn't too nice of a good guy to let Lin F up too much! Gosh talk about being there for someone! He is the definition of being there for someone no matter how ugly shit got! Like what they say, if you love someone, let them go. And I think that's the strongest thing to do. Cause honestly if it was me...I'd be selfish and try to win that person over. But dam. Ben/Luis loved lin all along, always have! But did the most painful shit. Watch the person he loved, love someone else. Gosh I need myself a Benjamin/Luis guys!!!
And lastly yoghurt! Jaowongduen. Her love turned her evil. It's so sad. But she should have never gotten blood on her hands. Thii. I'm going to admit. I've been staying lowkey teamThii all along! I admit it! Now thii wasn't evil, nor was she selfish, because she was just trying to get what's hers back. I dont know how to explain her....maybe kinda of a Bi* but yeah over all! I really genuinely LOVE this lakorn though every character including Ben (yeah Ben) were flawed I felt like he kept his feelings inside way too well. Yeah that a me..cause I wanted him to get the gurl. NYCHA. I've always followed her work for a very long time! And this is really her BREAKTHROUGH ROLE! Toey, this is my 2md time watching him. And for Pon and Yoghurt it's my 1st! I'm looking forward to all their upcoming work!....yeah.. idk why I feel sad even tho it was a happy ending...someone help me. Maybe I just need more PoNychaI know it! I just know that ch3 will pair PoNycha up again in the future! I can sense it lol! I dont know if it's in the near future or maybe withing 2/3years but I believe they'll eventually pair again! And I'll be waiting! This lakorn holds a very deep place in my heart. In the end. These characters dont know the difference between avenge & revenge lol. Get this. Some people may think that you're a weak person when you don't do shit when someone does something wrong to you. But in my case. I think not doing anything and let karma get the person is the strongest thing a person can do. Look at the end her and inn were always the wrong ones. Tiankham too. Gurl wanted lin to get honestly! I couldn't have imagined anyone else playing Lin other than NYCHA. All the actors portrayed their characters so well! I'm crying!!Ok. That's it. I'll stop here. Tho I still got more to say...
They were just cuddling. Though that scene made me so angry at Lin! Gurl went over the LINE! Well they both did. Ik it's just cuddling...but in BED wit a married man...ughLol i felt everything you felt. It was so satisfying when Thi slapped Lin in the hospital because no matter how you look at it, Lin was climbing the torny tree!
What I didn't get was in the beginning it showed Lin and In in the same bes but yet Lin told Thi that they never was intimate. Was she lying or werw they just cuddling up?
What I really like about this is that all the cast performed well together. Everyone did well and didn’t out do one another.I'm so proud of their ratings because this definitely was not heavily promoted and the cast didn't have massive fcs.
Think it wont be long for these two to be reunited in another lakorn. Just found out p'wit replied to the fans' comment wanting them to be reunited. And there are also threads in pantip for them to play couple again.
What are they saying in the video?