I personally dislike remakes, but this was the first drama that I wanted to be remade as I was watching it.
I think they should have stuck with the novel scenes. And then the director can fill in details to make the scene more interesting. But I suspect that would require a director who is very familiar with period dramas, which this director isn’t. Just like BPS, the novel is quite flat - it lacks a sense of tension & conflict for drama. But a capable director would know how to adjust the scenes to bring out tension. I won’t exaggerate Rid “feminine” qualities to the point of making him constantly petulant. I wouldn’t exaggerate Puttan’s boyish nature so much that I thought she looked like… a gangster at the market. I’m almost done with the novel and I keep thinking that Rid & Puttan are actually closer to Bhop & Kesorn from the BPS movie.
I wish Rid & Puttan wouldn’t fight so intensely so much. There’s especially one fight that was a bit disconcerting… when Rid was sad after George died. I felt that Puttan wasn’t considerate enough to his feelings at that time. Personally I think this was also a sign to me that the show didn’t know how to hold audience attention for emotion… I should have known that was a sign.
Cut out all the nonsense repetitive wordplay comedy at Rid’s house — especially the ones involving Mae Prik. It really just wastes airtime. There’s one scene which I wish the drama had included — after the girls fight Ung’s ex-husband at the market, Puttan actually followed them and Rid home for dinner. The girls told their parents the story of what happened at the market, and both parents spoke to the girls. Nagged and consoled them. Puttan got to witness the warmth of this family — something that she never had. It helped soften her heart towards Rid, because she saw him in the context of his family. Without this, he often came across as bragging to her whenever he talked about his family. Like an immature kid.
In the novel, Prae Jin wasn’t the royally bestowed wife and Puttan did not have to enter the palace as the king’s concubine. Rid was very shrewd and cut off his grandma before she could request. And everyone - his family, his friends, the king saw that he liked Puttan. If the show wanted a scene of Puttan entering the palace for drama, I thought she entering the palace kitchen would be a better storyline. The king did once say he wished Puttan could teach others to cook. She can work with Mali. She can be closer to Rid and his sisters — though I don’t think they were in the kitchen.
The problem with Prae Jin being the royally bestowed wife as shown in the drama was the way Rid had to get out of that arrangement. He essentially had to ruin his working relationship with Prae Jin’s father. But later Prang had to marry In? This arrangement doesn’t make sense. And the problem with Puttan being the king’s concubine? We already know. I won’t repeat myself from my earliest posts.
Spend 1 whole ep on Phitsanulok with Karaket origin story. From the point her parents died to that auntie bullying her to her moving to Ayuthaya. Instead of us getting it through P’Phin & P’Yam storytelling.
Spend 1 whole ep on the Krishna-Kali origin story. Honestly, in the novel both these stories weren’t much too but I think the drama can afford to devote time on them.
There’s no need for so many episodes if there’s not enough stories to tell. Cut out some of Mae Klin scenes, some of the Rid-Puttan silly fights, falling over and staring scenes, and you’ll have a tighter show. Rid is super charming (it’s the mix of father’s charisma + mother’s charm) and intelligent but in the novel his actions prove his love for Puttan. And he’s very focused once he knows what he wants. The way the drama script was written he just came across as a handsome sweet-talking hi-so who sulks too often and cries but does nothing.
I bet you now regret asking this question,
@Fikachu .

I have other ideas but those are the key ones.