I really thought for a second, they tricked us and the jealousy kiss was a whole damn dream as well! I was getting kinda mad, lmao. Cause I think when the house ladies asked if Lada told him she went to go visit her friend in the hospital, Khun Than just said they never got to meet that night and he sounded and looked so sure of it. They need to stop with dreams and imaginations, it's not fun if it's not real T-T It will never be satisfying. The kiss when he went to go catch her was indeed a dream though. that was kinda obvious. The scene when they made up was soooo cute thoo! ALMOST A REAL 2ND KISS BUT THEY GOT INTERRUPTED LIKE ALWAYS! I mean... that's pretty much a confessing on both sides right?? Haha. & When lada asked why it mattered to him if she was really with Win, he said something like "do you really not know why?" kekeke <3 my heart flutter lool. they're so cute. gahhh, i really want another lakorn! i'm becoming desperate now! please not have this be their one and only lakorn together. i thought the chicken scene was pretty cute, Khun Than was cute haha. Oh, and that awkward silence in the elevator before they made up, lol. I felt it.
i rolled my eyes so hard seeing the stepmom back at gambling. ugh. is she making another deal or something? can't she just spend her time looking out for Lada and keeping Mon out of their way. & it ended with Mon and her friend bullying Lada too >:/
hoping next week we get some kisses again but i doubt it

Gentleman Than is back lmao.