In love with Phet Thakrit <3
AHHHHHHHHH, MY HEART. TOO MANY SWEET SCENES. MANY KISSES. One... two.. SEVEN kisses (not including "cpr" scenes). OH EIGHT kisses (counting the hand kiss hehe). My heart is full. They're the cutest!! Awh, P'Pha was still sulking after being saved haha. BUT FIRST WILLING KISS! They're both so funny. Right after the kiss, they went back to bickering. Lmao. Nampeung teasing P'Pha being slow b/c of his leg injury, hahahaha. and the many kisses P'Pha gives her afterwards. /.\ THAT thigh massage scene
Oh P'Pha, restrain yourself. I thought that scene with Peung being all seductive was gonna be a dream! LOL. Did she get drugged again or something?? Lmao. Or did she just really want P'Pha that night? hehe. Can P'Pha teach me that neck attack like damn, it would be useful lol. Nampeung knocks out every single time. & loool, there he goes again messing with her that they slept together. It's so nice seeing and hearing P'Pha laughing and smiling. He's enjoying his wife's company very much. :3 Yeah, honestly I would be so confused too seeing Nampeung protecting Suer Pha if I was Paothep. BUT HEY! LEAVE P'PHA ALONE. Don't step on his injury!
Yes, Nampeung protect your husband! Awh, was P'Pha trying to convince her to stay with him? AHHH, Peung laying on his chest, so precious. Ugh, shoo shoo Grachao! No one wants you in their presence but Pajong, run off to him.
(but kinda feel bad seeing her manipulated by pajong next week) YES P'PHA, PROTECT YOUR WOMAN. About time he put Grachao in her place. & wth is going on with Suer Phan and Pajong. ._. BUT I SEE KISSES NEXT WEEK ALSO. Oh we're so spoiled, hehe.
P'Pha and Nampeung are the cutest.
P'Pha and Nampeung are the cutest.
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