Man, after going to the temple yesterday I want to slap these little white girls lol don't mean to sound racist but they are so freaking disrespectful.. There is a building in the temple which only men can enter past the carpet because it's only for Monk Ordination and Monk Ceremonies and when I saw them going in there I followed them to the door and they were all the way inside by the statues .. so I was like you guys have to get out you can't go past the carpet line right here by the door. They were like "WHAT? Why that's fucking stupid." I was like it's our tradition Women aren't suppose to get close to the monks and definitely not suppose to be walking all over the place where they pray do their ceremonie's sit and have their meditation, eat they rolled their eyes and were like Hmong people have stupid traditions I was like WTF I was like excuse me we're Laotians and if you have a problem with our tradition you should leave our temple and not bother to celebrate our new years with us.
Then later on as my dad's band was getting equipment read to go on stage for their concert he stop by to buy some food but the lady goes oh no you don't need to pay some of the bands get free food and this girl picked up some stuff that was from that lady booth and tried to walk off and the lady called her and she goes "hey you didn't pay" the white girl goes "I thought we don't need to pay if we're with the band" and the lady goes thats only for the band on that stage because their sponsors donated over 100 K to the temple and the Lao community so the bands that they sponsor don't have to pay and she was like ok that's racist and she put it down and walked off all cussing I was like WHAT how is that racist it makes sense why the sponsor's bands would get free food lol because they are donating money to the temples and the community where the other bands were being hired to play .. lol my dad was like ... I could have paid the lady goes no no u guys are playing for free so the least we can do is give u guys some food ...
This other girl she wasn't white she was black she was in the restroom and this girl that wasn't exactly skinny but she wasn't fat either she was in the line and the black girl was all like "gosh i feel fat in here I wonder if anyone else feels fat." and she looked at the thick girl.. I was like deng that's effed up..
I dislike how people walk into our temples and act so disrespectful towards us and our culture sometimes ugh.