Too many scenes that I utterly loved oml, the love scene was amazing and done with so much emotion, all credit to the cast and crew. I have a few favourites...
May post screenshots of them later, but one of them would definitely be when in the morning he pulls Min in for a second deeper kiss and admits he was kidding the first time when he said her lips lacked sweetness. His breath is so hoarse when he says something like "I was lying, it wasn't true"... And pulls her in again! Cos as we all know, Sila was drawn to Min from the very beginning, particularly the first kiss! And he finally admitted that at least
Both Tor and Fern are incredibly sexy, these scenes made me blush man! And I don't blush easily hahahaha. Now I'm off to bed as it's like 2am here, though I have no idea how I'll sleep when thinking about this couple.
Night everyone! I'm sure y'all who watched it were screaming like me haha