So close... I like this version's portrayal of the adoptive dad. Nott is killing it. So many emotions. I almost cried when he let Amy go and dropped her off. I think he might die cause he's the one that knows the truth and he's trying to do good. But this was closer to the end last version haha... damn I don't want them to kill him off this soon!!
I love Point in here. He's such a good character. I like him when he plays bad too, he's good at acting hahah. Damn I don't feel like Aom has the upperhand this version. Things keep slipping, but I like how they balance it out. It kinda ticked me off last version where she kept getting her way until the end. It's still happening here but it's very reasonable haha. Jes didn't even show up in today's episode! Wow, can't wait to see what happens. I hope these aren't gonna be filler episodes to make up for the lack of episodes this could seriously be solved in one episode hahah.