sarNie Adult
Film is versatile and has no issue going into BL and other characters. Lol but yes when he and Jam announced that they were taking a break from working together they had an announcement and event? Which I thought was over the top but in spite of that I saw comments like they were just “queer-baiting”. I was like… what is this delusion? I mean both of them had decent careers before their drama together and i think no one other than those crazy fans thought they’d be stuck together forever.
One good thing about BL becoming more common is fans become less delulu. Cos their level of insanity is really…. Like tween girls who stan boybands and are convinced that those members love each other forever kind of cringe delulu.
One good thing about BL becoming more common is fans become less delulu. Cos their level of insanity is really…. Like tween girls who stan boybands and are convinced that those members love each other forever kind of cringe delulu.