Yup, when I am upset with my son his first, middle and last name becomes a run on sentence lol.Whenever full names are said anywhere in the world it means you're in Trouble, so much Trouble. Chat really knows what is what now, lol!
His lady love calling him full name, better run, lol! She's angry and coming for anyone who hurts her mama.
I like their cast for the lakorn. The only thing about Mint for me is her voice, there's something about it that doesn't really appeal, but she's really looking mature here and so well dressed too.
Channel 3 has surprised me so much these past 3 lakorns. I didn't think the KC was going to work, and yet it became my favorite lakorn of the year(so far, maybe this one may move it to #2, but I loved Yaya and Mark in that lakorn). Then the same timeslot they gave us BH with Kimmy and James J, I didn't believe I would like it at all, though the quality looked good the plot didn't appeal and then I gave it a shot anyway because they were Kim and James J, loved it too. Now Matt and Andrew who have never work together come up after BH and continue with the amazing casting and chemistry between the leads. Matt wardrobe here is simple(I love it, its stuff I wear all the time, lol!) And yet it fits her character. Her jewelry the little she wears are actually nice looking, and maybe Matt just makes it work.
Poor Chut's heart, he was so determined to have a talk with our girl but when he finally caught up, he barely had a say so but a few words that immediately got cut off
I haven't been into a lakorn like I am with this one for so so long. Even with Matt other lakorns I wasn't as crazy. It's Chut/Yot that made me this way
And Yot already revealed her feelings and it's only episode 3 lol. Usually a n'ek is shy and stubborn in telling her man how she feels until close to the end, here Yot be like screw it, I like him already
Oh, on Mint. I tried watching her lakorn with Andrew but it was so boring and they have no chemistry.