sarNie Hatchling
I've been thinking and maybe it is just me but I feel like all I've been watching in every episode is the girls strutting off every pissed off scene.
Lots of catwalks. haha It's been a cat and mouse chase all this time. 
Anyway, I didn't like Khem from the beginning but she got on my last nerves(!!!) when she became a b*tch and release Trai and Nee's photo. I don't understand Thai except some words here & there and body language but my understanding is, she tried to play the self-righteous big sister and told him to stay away from Nee, having nothing to do with Nee but she went and release the pictures. What was her purpose? To ruin Nee? She has a grudge on Krit but Nee and Trai has nothing to do with her drama. Her fault Trai got beat up bad but she still tried to play it off that it had nothing to do with her. I thought she was so over Krit? - NOT! She's been lurking behind the scene looking for a stupid opportunity. I'm so glad Nat is upset at her too because she deserves it for being stupid. She's definitely evil and irrational like their dad. She tried to play smart but is actually more stupid. The only good thing that came out of her stupidity is that she told Krit about the pregnancy instead of hiding it to the end. And she also brought Trai and Nee closer. It's funny how she was so sure and blunt when she told everyone Da was pregnant like she was going to get some satisfaction out of their reaction but it just backfired on her.
And she deserved that slap from Da. Da should've slapped her a few more times long ago. LOL I couldn't stand Khem's scenes. Her whole face expression trying to be a badass just irked my nerves. haha
And WOW! Talk about that maternity resort! Must be nice to be rich. I could've used that during my pregnancy(if I was rich)! haha Didn't even know such a place exist and if it only exist in lakorns, it's believable to want in real life! Ok, back to the lakorn drama....so....how will they tie the mafia, daddy issues, businesses...etc all together? I feel like I'm watching a few dramas in one. I just can't see how it ties together. It's all over the place. Confused.

Anyway, I didn't like Khem from the beginning but she got on my last nerves(!!!) when she became a b*tch and release Trai and Nee's photo. I don't understand Thai except some words here & there and body language but my understanding is, she tried to play the self-righteous big sister and told him to stay away from Nee, having nothing to do with Nee but she went and release the pictures. What was her purpose? To ruin Nee? She has a grudge on Krit but Nee and Trai has nothing to do with her drama. Her fault Trai got beat up bad but she still tried to play it off that it had nothing to do with her. I thought she was so over Krit? - NOT! She's been lurking behind the scene looking for a stupid opportunity. I'm so glad Nat is upset at her too because she deserves it for being stupid. She's definitely evil and irrational like their dad. She tried to play smart but is actually more stupid. The only good thing that came out of her stupidity is that she told Krit about the pregnancy instead of hiding it to the end. And she also brought Trai and Nee closer. It's funny how she was so sure and blunt when she told everyone Da was pregnant like she was going to get some satisfaction out of their reaction but it just backfired on her.
And WOW! Talk about that maternity resort! Must be nice to be rich. I could've used that during my pregnancy(if I was rich)! haha Didn't even know such a place exist and if it only exist in lakorns, it's believable to want in real life! Ok, back to the lakorn drama....so....how will they tie the mafia, daddy issues, businesses...etc all together? I feel like I'm watching a few dramas in one. I just can't see how it ties together. It's all over the place. Confused.
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