i emailed SEG about their next project and she said its gonna be a suspense thriller movie. its only gonna be like 2 hours long only.do you know what's SEG's next project is? besides Advent Vibe debut ablum
i emailed SEG about their next project and she said its gonna be a suspense thriller movie. its only gonna be like 2 hours long only.do you know what's SEG's next project is? besides Advent Vibe debut ablum
some people don't even finish their movies.lol..i actually like when i have to wait for the release...it gets me wanting more...lol
lol..i dont even buy dubbed movies ne more...there are mostly thai dramas/movies that come out now..but i've already seen them all cuz i've gone out and rented them before people dubbed it, but for korean movies/dramas..i just buy the originals...some people don't even finish their movies.
it's just like those dubbing productions..
some of them don't finish dubbing a series of movies
that's so true...just that feeling of wanting to see what happens next...lol..i actually like when i have to wait for the release...it gets me wanting more...lol
i'm not sure about that. SEG want to finish editing the 3 braclet first b4 she start on the next filmfor their upcoming suspense thriller, who's gonna be the p'ek and n'ek? and will they film in sacramento again?
true!In my opinion how can you call it acting, concerning the actor and actress who plays Alli and Brad? Weren't they dating each other during the period of filming? They're dating in real life, so isn't it obvious the chemistry is there? lol. They didn't have to try hard to act lovely dovey or angry at each other because they are in their comfy zone. With the advantages, I find it sorta unfair to the other actress/actor in this movie.
Neway. I haven't got my hands on the movie yet nor follow behind the scene gossip on this movie in awhile...so many will want to tell me "you don't know what your talking about."
honestly..everyone has their own opinions and u have urs..u can listen to what others say, or watch it n give ur own opinions about the movie..(also, hopefully i dont sound like im attacking u, cuz im not)..In my opinion how can you call it acting, concerning the actor and actress who plays Alli and Brad? Weren't they dating each other during the period of filming? They're dating in real life, so isn't it obvious the chemistry is there? lol. They didn't have to try hard to act lovely dovey or angry at each other because they are in their comfy zone. With the advantages, I find it sorta unfair to the other actress/actor in this movie.
Neway. I haven't got my hands on the movie yet nor follow behind the scene gossip on this movie in awhile...so many will want to tell me "you don't know what your talking about."
lol..yea that's kinda how i am too..everyone's opinions means nothin to me unless i go n do it it myself..lol but hopefully they'll still sell it at sac new year..if not, then maybe fresno..I wasn't debating on to watch it or not. And I certainly don't need any persuading from anyone's comments, positive or negative. I watch things according to my own mood. I am going to watch this movie because it won't have the farm or orphan feel to it like usual Hmong movies. However, like I said above I just haven't gotten my hands on it since I didn't go to July 4th in Minnesota or Sac games...maybe at the 2008 new year.
yeah i understands its a movie anything can happen, but why the korean like theme. i've seem soooooooo many movies where the poor girl is a maid for the rich dude and they end up falling in love. the whole maid thing is in too many korean dramas. i mean come on do something original. i rather watch movies made in thailand and laos.
did anyone upload this on youtube?